Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. ATA are you going to respond? We want answers! I don't see the big deal with giving us a avi once a month like you used too. If you want us to use our spins this is not the way to do it.
    iTangerine and Meanie like this.
  2. Lmao, ATA does something extreme and receives backlash, then next they tweak a tiny thing that's barely an improvement and y'all are quick to pat them on the back for "at least taking a step in the right direction". No wonder ATA doesn't learn; they know they can keep doing this until they've actually sucked as all dry.
  3. Wtf am I the only one who spun like 100 times and got not even 1 timer box?
    tiddybear, Meanie and Torii like this.
  4. Same freaking problem. After opening over 20 boxes to try to get the female avi from the racing hunt, Iโ€™m kind of over it. Iโ€™ve never tried that hard to get an avi, and I wonโ€™t be doing it again.
    FireWalkWithMe likes this.
  5. the end times for PIMD ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜”
  6. Seriously people are complaining about the price but forgetting to acknowledge that we are starting to be heard and theyโ€™re making adjustments.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. So can I request for Pimd 2 too?๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  8. Iโ€™ve opened probably 100 ish or more boxes and Iโ€™ve just today got x1 999. No avis. Kinda mad cus I wanted the guy avi in the hunt box for once ๐Ÿ˜“
    tiddybear likes this.
  9. Nope. Many of us have not gotten an april box yet which is crazy. Why even have a box if we can't get it???
  10. Usually I'd have gotten a few boxes by now. What's up? ๐Ÿ‘€
    Danisaur, tiddybear, Sasaki and 3 others like this.
  11. Can we talk about how the โ€œbass playerโ€ has 6 strings? ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Thatโ€™s my only โ€œcomplaintโ€. Otherwise I like the style. Do more styles like this please.
    Sterben-Sensei likes this.
  12. Why did ata make the chances to get this months box abysmally low?
    Prim, WhoTfIsWesday and Aphire like this.
  13. One of my club members messaged ATA and, according to them, โ€œmany players are still receiving themโ€, which obviously isnโ€™t the case. So as far as theyโ€™re aware, thereโ€™s no PrObLeM to fix ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’
  14. There's another forum under questions in here labeled "april spinner boxes" someone said they rolled 1500 times and literally didnt recieve a single box
    tiddybear, FireWalkWithMe, No and 4 others like this.
  15. FireWalkWithMe likes this.
  16. Last month, I used only free spinner tokens, no ads, and received roughly 15-20 monthly boxes, about 5 a week. This month, I've watched ads as well as claimed free tokens as close to every hour as I can on both my main and alt, no boxes for either when usually I'd have maxed by now.

    All I want is the guy, and I probably wouldn't get him even if I opened 50 boxes.
  17. I love it.. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  18. This makes me feel way better about my luck ๐Ÿ˜… Iโ€™ve also been casually spinning (no saved up tokens and using the ad feature) and itโ€™s been a week, no boxes.
    saccharine likes this.
  19. Update: finally got my first April timer box....over 9k tokens later...
    glamourzombie22, Aphire and Dhiwatah like this.