Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by FIoccinaucinihilipilification, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]Lame but who cares cuz forums long dead anyway.
    Avenoir, Sanguine, -Fae- and 5 others like this.
  2. Boycott those stupid mega threads!!!!!!

    We have a whole forum section for clubs and no one should be shamed for using it!
    WhoTfIsWesday and Buwbuw like this.
  3. A thousand club banners all around forums would be a great thing actually.
  4. No.
    Meanie, Day and Muschi like this.
  5. It was a great thing! Creativity is stifled by megathreads. They should be banned
  6. How about...NO

    Real reason though, you'd spam forum with club banners, drowing out threads that might actually have meaning and contribute to the community as a whole. Sure enough, creativity will have to step back, but it is a decent price to pay (cuz you still have the banner thread, aka still can get heard) for a smoother running forum.
    If anything, spam that club banner thread, you'll eventually get your voice heard.
    That was just my opinion, stay safe 💕
    Meanie, Day, Maddi_Matsu and 3 others like this.
  7. How exactly is creativity stifled by megahreads? You can still post the exact same banner as creative as you want on the designed thread for club banners. I don't see how making billions of threads could give you more creative freedom. It only drowns out actual good threads.
    Meanie, Sleepy, Sansa and 3 others like this.
  8. How long before was that brain of yours banned?
    Meanie and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  9. Where are these good threads y'all speak of? I am failing to see any...

    Do you mean to tell me this is a good thread?
    Buwbuw and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  10. Is this English?
  11. Yes 😅 hahahaha 😂
  12. Probably meant less people will see the creativity behind a banner cuz they would be pushed back by others posting.

    But @-The_Clintons_Did_9-11- do you seriously believe forum would be great with loads of threads containing one single club banner? There's really not gonna increase your views, just cuz you make a new thread every time you wanna post your banner. We advice people to keep to the same topic in certain mega threads, just so we can provide a wide range of different topics...just to make clear, it's not only club banners.

    People would get sick of forums and never bother to voice their opinion, because no one would see it...which is essential for this game to be able to improve.

    Besides, posting banners isn't the only way to get new members. You can recruit people by walling them, get their friends to join, build strong connections, post in pub/campus and so on.

    Maybe you haven't found a great thread here in forums, cuz you fail to see them...and you'd certainly not find them if forum got spammed with pointless threads.
    Avenoir, Meanie, Day and 3 others like this.
  13. #1. Forums were way less dead when clubs were allowed to make their own threads than they are now.

    #2. Club threads encourage club members to participate in forums, to keep their clubs thread bumped. This increases the number of forum users.

    #3. There are multiple threads for pimd memes, yet this thread is allowed? Seems like a double standard to me.

    #4. I've been here for 8 years, I've seen plenty of good threads. Just none in the last 2-3 years. Forums have died, and it's made up rules like these that killed them.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  14. I never know when she’s serious or not
  15. She's being 100% serious.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  16. #1 I thought the problem was single threads with club banners? You are allowed to create a thread though and talk about your club as long as you don't promote it (and it follows ToU).

    #2 Okay but they have club chat to talk to each other? If you feel the need to talk to your friends in club why you need forum for that? Forum is not as dead as you say, since there's plenty of threads daily being updated and created. Just because it ain't to your liking many others find it amusing. I personally also think there's more interesting topics than club banners. Why don't you create one? I am sure we could increase forum users with a fun topic that doesn't have to include club banners!

    Sure you got a point that it could bring more forum users, though I don't see people talking more just because you post a club banner. You gotta have a topic that smash!

    #3 Memes isn't really part of the game features, I don't see why it has to be a single thread then. The amount of meme threads isn't exactly high and it's not a situation spinning out of control. Just see it from my POV as a mod. We trying to balance interest of the community, in this case their will to make themselves heard vs. People wanting to promote a club. Is it reasonable we should give space for club banners that certainly don't benefit more than a club, over people wanting to discuss the game or just in general connect? If we don't regulate certain popular topics, things would spin out of control more. Forums would consist even more with the same threads like "join my club" , "price check on furniture" and so on. In the end it gets kinda tiresome answering the same questions or seeing the same posts, so it is better to just advice them to an exciting thread that has all the answers or is more suitable. These mega threads are now pretty well known and for those who don't know them, the community usually is fast with guiding them in the right direction. They're really helpful in my opinion.

    #4 Impressive you've been here for 8 years...just curious why you on an alt?

    Here I think it kinda depends on people not really aware that forum is not only for ATA's announcements. Forum is like a living room where you can take a break from the actual game. Therefore forum is kind of a sidekick to the game and that's a reason why many maybe haven't "found" its potential. Back in the days people were more invested maybe, but it depends on the players interests shifting and not necessarily on the forum rules.

    I respect your opinion, I don't agree with it, but this is the fine thing with being able to discuss. This is exactly what forums are for in my opinion, not for useless spamming.
    Meanie, Sleepy, Maddi_Matsu and 2 others like this.
  17. Club members don't update banner threads.
    I think threads should be allowed that promote and advertise the club, as long as a certain amount of effort and dedication go into them.

    Clubs already sort of have walls for that and I don't think it'd breathe much life into forums. Some, maybe... But eh.
    Victoria, Muschi and Day like this.
  18. I can agree to this.

    Plus if all clubs could just spam banners in separate threads it would be harder for players to find other information 😕
    Meanie, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  19. Yeah. Most of the time people make a new thread to promo their club, they just paste the club banner. Like I'd be more open to people making individual threads for their clubs if they maybe elaborated or made it more unique. This isn't campus or pub where there is a character limit and the chat moves fast, so you wanna be straight and to the point with your advertising.
  20. #1. Banners are boring, I agree. Low effort threads have always died though. There was never a time when club ads were allowed in forums that they overwhelmed forums...idk why that's always everyone's arguement on the topic. It never happened. What's the problem letting people advertise? People enjoy superbowl comercials, ads can be fun sometimes.

    #2-A I wasn't talking about extending club chat to forums...more like group effort advertising. Picture this...someone makes a thread about how awesome their club is. Makes some joke about how great the spagettii squash rp there is. Other club members chime in and talk about how while the spagettii squash rp is good, the butternut squash rp is really fantastic.

    #2-B. I don't make threads anymore....forums have gone to shït and it's no longer worth the effort required to actually make a good thread.

    #3. I was making a point with the meme threads, I don't think there should be megathreads for any topic. New people come to forums, ask a question, and get told that they're using the wrong thread. They don't return after that.

    And that's why forums succccccckkkkkk now. It's the same 10 people on every thread. Y'all drive new people away. Which leads me to....

    #4. I'm not an alt. I prefer to restart every once and awhile. High stat players are boring. Noobs are more fun. They have lives outside of this game. They have interesting things to talk about.

    High stat players all wanna talk about the same boring things, and gossip about the same boring people over and over again. I have had the same conversations 500+ times and I've tired of it.

    Victoria, Buwbuw and WhoTfIsWesday like this.