Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ashley1508, Mar 21, 2020.

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  1. Seriously !! I don't Know why this Mod has Silenced me ?? Just asked for chatty Girls to HMU and this bitch MOD hoe Silenced is she woke up from Corona?
  2. Play the game. Don't break the rules.

    No doubt why you're silenced. Send a ticket, not a thread.
    Sansa, Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  3. Already did.. but it's like 11 hrs and they don't reply
  4. They take days to reply
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. Omg you're like 50mcs and acting like a nub
    Maddi_Matsu, Meanie, Sleepy and 2 others like this.
  6. " acting? "

    Seriously? That's not acting. She indeed might be a nub.
    Maddi_Matsu, Alicia and Muschi like this.
  7. Has a 3 year award too. This is sad tbh
    Maddi_Matsu, Sleepy and Muschi like this.
  8. Mods* in title.

    Please send in a ticket and patiently wait for support's response.
    If your silence is deemed wrong, tell them to take action against the said mod.
    Making a thread would not solve anything or help in any way.
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