EVENT Spring Home the Breakin'

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Ice cream helps with the grumpiness. I agree with you.
    Victoria likes this.
  2. I'm really not into the hunt theme personally, but thanks for returning the timer boxes to 8hr and dropping at least one hunt avi at 8k. I'm not crazy about all these experiments, but at least they don't feel as much of a rip off as last hunt did.
    -May-, SleepyCloud, Eva and 6 others like this.
  3. Please Ata, keep the beach hunts to summer, now we've had them at both winter and spring, our whole pimd life is basically a full on beach trip now.
    Ganyu14, -May-, SleepyCloud and 17 others like this.
  4. Before we judge, let's see how this goes🤔
  5. Oh I can just hear the top tier players who drop money every day in this game rejoicing while us ones who can't afford to are stuck wondering how we are even going to get the Avis. Got to love the ever greedy ATA
  6. The main story line being on extracurricular is unnecessary , the phone was much better
  7. I would love for one single hunt to not be complete dog shit k thnx
  8. I could go for some icecream. Or one of those Shamrock shakes from McDonald's.
  9. Lame
    LoveTKO likes this.
  10. Looks like a pretty good hunt, cool furniture and avas✅
    Prim likes this.
  11. These hunts just get worse and worse. Why tf would a main quest be in XC? Avi boxes are just a way to avoid giving out 2 sets of avis, I don’t get it. Y’all are giving your players less and less and expecting us to pay more and more. So close to quitting
  12. And here I thought the extracurriculars were bonus rewards to the stories lmao. wishful thinking on my part that ata was generous for once lol aye
  13. if yall get a timer box you should tell us the time and drop rate
  14. [​IMG]
    So either he got pranked (fell asleep while in the sun and his buddies took advantage of the situation to embarrass him.. it's happened to me before 😔) or he could just be a dingus.
  15. Not a fan of this XC thing, very confusing and not user friendly for new or returning players.
    Ganyu14, -May-, Carrie and 7 others like this.
  16. ATA be good at pretending to care but actually just doing whatever they want. "Here look we changed it again! BUT joke's on you, you get a randol avi now instead of two 🤪"
    Just do it like you always did? 2 avis at 8k.. is that so difficult to do or..?
  17. You ever had the mango shake at McDonald's? It's like the best thing ever
  18. Thank you for proving yet again that you do not listen to your players and you have no sympathy for our demands and you also don't care about what we want. I would give another long speech like I did last event but what's the point you don't care and you're not going to change anything so I'm pretty much just depressed about it at this point