As you know, it is already a difficult task to level up multiple animals. I haven’t always focused on the German Shepard until I met my boyfriend who has a handler protection dog. Just to level up the German Shepard for their first “milestone”, it takes 15 items. I have to say it’s been my hardest challenge in pet leveling. If I ever received all those items and want to switch to the newest pet, I’m going to have an even harder time getting through every 10 levels. For example, if we had a cat and a bird, I would want to level it up both. Are there any future plans of making it a LITTLE bit easier in obtaining level up items? Let’s say, through events? Any thoughts?
Nope. More difficult ATA can make it, the happier they are, sadly. Rn the community is being gouged to pay up. Until it's different things are just going to be a bit difficult.
It is a lot of seemingly endless work 😂 I always seem to be missing one little item needed to upgrade too. But since it’s just a matter of waiting I don’t personally mind.
That makes sense. It’s very unfortunate that when ATA does something a lot of people don’t agree with, it reflects on the community. I hope one day it can change for the better.
That's what I do. I level up all my common pets to a milestone level (5, 10, 15, etc), then all my rare pets to the same level, and then all my super rare to that level, and then start back in common with the next level. So far I almost always have the necessary items needed to level up pets when you need special items.
My technique is similar, but not very organized, hahaha. I've recently switched also to just leveling the commons all the way up, then I'll move onto the rare all the way up, et cet. Well, that was before the new 10 lvls, so, now none are maxed 😪
I've not maxed any, but I get similarly held up whenever a new pet is released. Have to go back and get that one caught up. 😅