What's With All The Sudden Raffles And Giveaways?!?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Luclfers_mlnIon, Mar 8, 2020.


Do you enter raffles

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  1. My old ign: PurplePiranha
    YT Drawings of past raffles for both me and Raffle Channel name: PurplePiranha

    Idc if yall read this or not but...

    Lemme just start off by saying why? Why is everyone starting to do raffles and giveaways? I know they were a thing last year but what made people start to do them again?

    If people say they're GIVING AWAY something should you have to pay to get it? Because I thought giveaways on here was supposed to be free and raffles you're supposed to pay? Huh?

    Ive done my fair share of raffles before (proof on my wall) but what proof do others have?

    Do yall know HOW MUCH YALL IDIOTS ARE BEING SCAMMED! But hey I don't care it ain't my stuff ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ There are VERY few people who's stuff is legit but yall risk it all anyways ๐Ÿคฃ

    If someone says they're giving away "bento(s)" but don't even have 1 in their showcase... WHY ARE YOU GIVING THEM STUFF!?! It takes 2 secs to check but noo yall can't even do that! I personally find it funny when people complain about how much something is a scam but yet when people say it's a scam YOU DON'T LISTEN.๐Ÿ˜•

    Then people got their alts commenting on how they're trusted and everything and these account are like 2 days old. Or they're here paying people to post on their wall. If someone says "Thank you for the bento" and there's no bento in their gifts and only 2 chibis from you THAT PERSON WAS PAID๐Ÿ˜‘

    If someone let's you know who their main is and you see what that person has. THEY CAN LITERALLY RAFFLE OF BETTER THINGS but choose to raffle off things that's worthless and by the time the raffle is over they made more than the worth of the prizes. WHY STILL GIVE THEM FREE THINGS!?

    My friend Raffle has been doing raffles for awhile now and she actually gives away stuff but yet people seem to head to the scammers. At least WE provide PROOF of the DRAWINGS. I know some people actually do legit raffles and giveaways and it's great!

    But... If the prize for 1st place is a chair or something and the entries are like the regular stuff and the drawing is not until 5 days later or until they reach a certain limit. By the time they do the drawing they can already buy 10x the amount of the chair. But why enter a raffle when the prizes suck! Whatever they're raffling off you could buy easily.

    If someone says they're doing a bento Raffle and the total entries is 40c then ok. They'll use 37 or of those chibis to by another bento and they'll profit on 3c and 1b if they decide to not do another Raffle. Usually you'll just get blocked.๐Ÿ˜ If there is a bento raffle with NO limit they can make as many chibis as they want and buy more bentos then they're giving away also IF they give it away.๐Ÿ™„

    I see a lot of alts asking for furniture. Even if they're not alts just low stat accounts. For DAYS in a row they would ask for donations. It's fine to give new players furniture if they don't have them. But, if you see their gifts and it's filled with a whole bunch of furniture and their room is empty and their showcase is empty... WHY GIVE THEM FURNITURE THEY ALREADY HAVE! IT'S JUST GOING TO GO TO THEIR MAIN ACCOUNT! I've asked some people why give it away. Some knew they were scams but they said that they didn't want it. GIVE IT TO PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY WANT OR NEED IT! I used to take in donations to give to Raffle so she can do her giveaways and people would give me stuff just because. ๐Ÿ˜’

    ๐Ÿ™Raffle forgive me but something you do pisses me off also๐Ÿ™ If you give away FREE furniture from floors and walls to beds and chairs to 499s and 999s BUT THESE PEOPLE WHO WINS THEM DONT GIVE 2 DAMNS TO DONATE SOMETHING SO YOU CAN KEEP DOING THEM... WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THEM!? Like only a couple of people donated to you whether the win or not but you have dozens of people on your wall asking for stuff and they don't have the damn courtesy to give back. Even if it's something small. And I dont want to hear the "I like helping people shiz" I DON'T CARE those bastards don't deserve anything free if they can't give back. Or at least enter a raffle! All these people are entering shiz raffles when they can actually WIN something BIG! ๐Ÿ˜‘

    Im just here ranting because this has been bugging me for awhile. Like I was going to do a Co-Z 999 raffle but saw another guy doing it he posted for it for like 2 days and was never seen again! I also gave away a mod Crate! And the amount people gave for it!๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    See for me I put a limit of 500e on the crate. I knew people would give their entire showcase for it. I even had offers for people to buy it from me. I was even thinking about putting a limit to how many people could enter. It was amazing to me to see what people would give when there would only be 1 winner. It made me sad because there was nothing else I could give to the 70 other people who entered. Filled up 3 notebook pages for me ๐Ÿ˜ซ

    I once had this girl literally give almost everything for a dorm. Luckily she won 2nd place because I was giving away 2 dorms she still got one. But she gave me 999s 499s and anything she had! It got to the point where I started to decline her trades and gifts. I know for me and Raffle we don't make as much as the worth of the dorms but yet we still give them away. I even helped her pay to buy a Co-Z Dorm that she gave away that costed her 28b. By the end of the raffle with everything she had was worth 17b if she's able to sell it. But she doesn't and she uses what she makes for more raffles.

    It hurts me to see people fall for scams when you can actually win things. Which is why I don't do raffles anymore.

    I know no one is gonna read my little Ted talk but I just needed to vent and get it out ๐Ÿ˜Œ This isn't targeted towards everyone... Just most people. Also love how most people won't use their main accounts because they know they're scamming and the don't want to get farmed ๐Ÿ˜‚ Yes, definitely give a day old account free things! This was relaxing LOL.
  2. Oof that was a long read.

    But yeah. It definitely does happen to people, thatโ€™s why I personally donโ€™t join raffles.
    Cerberus likes this.
  3. I havenโ€™t seen them get done a lot lately? At least not in forums
    Cerberus and Muschi like this.
  4. Sooo you do a raffle and you went ghost all of a sudden ๐Ÿ˜‘ but hop on here to complain.

    I've tried to warn people of raffles. There's very few that I join. I sometimes join some raffles just to see if they're scammers to let other people know. And of course no one listens so there's that.
    MadScientist likes this.
  5. Thank you for the little bit about me ๐Ÿ˜…

    I don't do raffles in forums because I've seen people complain how the forums are too complicated hell people don't even want to check the forums for the potd!

    I can see that which is good because you get to keep your stuff. It's good to be cautious at times
    Allocrice likes this.
  6. I never enter those giveaways or whatever that are just people posting on campub because like you said, they're often scammers (I admit I only read like the first 5 or so paragraphs). However if the person has the organization and openness to have a forum thread then I'm more likely to enter a raffle/giveaway.
    Allocrice and Muschi like this.
  7. Forum posts a sometimes hard to find and keep track of well for me at least so I understand that. I only know that Raffle does have a forum thread under Activities. I don't know how often she posts on it. But I would also follow their forum rather then their wall because they can delete stuff of their walls
  8. Wow you're passionate about this topic
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  9. I didnโ€™t even read it all tbh
    Sansa and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  10. They're like casinos. Easy to turn a profit off of peoples' gambling behaviour. Just make sure your prize is less than what you get from them, and ur all gucci. Scamming gullibles and profiting in the name of good fun.

    (And has already been mentioned, some are outright scams anyway)

    Raffles were never a good idea and could only lead to this. A new age of scams.

    They're not even that fun in the first place unless you have a gambler's spirit.
  11. For a while now, if anyone has dard to post an uneven raffle where they intend to profit, in forums, I call then out for it and farm them if they're large enough... but usually they aren't.

    These days, I get lazy and just equate raffles with scams. I don't go as far as hitting anyone hosting a raffle because I wouldn't know for sure that it's a scam, but I'm 90% sure.

    Also most of them are too small, alts, who are probably scamming anyway and will get away with it even if I could hit them.

    Perhaps I should start hitting all of them. Perhaps it's time to bully all the rafflers out of pimd so that people just won't try.

    Host giveaways if you're generous, or come with your main and propose a big one in forums but if ur scared to do it on here, just leave the whole thing alone and stop preying on the weak-willed and unsatisfied.

    Raffles suck ass and are for the infirm whose only satisfaction in life can come from bingo and other unskilled games of the like.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  12. Always assume every raffle or giveaway is a scam unless itโ€™s low risk (1c per entry) or a longtime player is running it (which you would need time and experience to recognize).
  13. What is your issue with people in infirmaries
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  14. Im generous enough to host giveaways which I have. Ive given away from low cost furniture to 999s. From boxes and shards to stats. For me it's impossible to do a giveaway without doing a raffle first. I've mentioned on my forum post that what I get from raffles are used for raffles or giveaways. Im giving away a greatly leveled Dorm and I know for a fact I'm not going to get a fraction of the cost back. I was lucky enough to to buy another dorm from selling pimd crates which is why I'm giving this one away. If yall think I profit from this you're greatly mistaken.
  15. Also I don't even know how I would host a forum raffle I wouldn't know how I would set it up and without forgetting about it. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I also use this account because it's better for me to keep things separate. I was thinking about hosting a club raffle or giveaway like how people do bbbs and only the people in the club can play to win by playing different games or by spin the bottle or rps. But idk we'll see how it goes...
    I have an ongoing list of everyone who does raffles or giveaways. Whether they're scammers or not they're on there. I'd post the list but some has i's and L's and too many underscores. So I'm pretty sure I wrote them down wrong.
    Allocrice likes this.
  16. I'm not accusing you.

    But what's the point of it all anyway?

    Milling around a scene full of scammers.

    Why would you make your ign Raffle?
  17. Nothing. I just said they didn't have have many sources of satisfaction in life except winning games of chance.

    When people lose their skills, chance becomes a comforting source of success.
  18. Because, as they stated earlier, itโ€™s an alt account dedicated to hosting raffles
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  19. Why would they do all that? What's good about raffles?
  20. Gambling, the chance of winning free stuff
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.