HERE WE GO AGAIN......(rant)

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HaBaek, Feb 29, 2020.

  1. Another paid extracurricular where you have to drop cats....ridiculous. This game is losing members left and right, and you know what? I’m about to be one of them and I haven’t even been a member for like a solid 3 months yet. They get rid of party hard and add the spotlight which is for big users only, now a third ec that costs MONEY. It’s just a game not everyone is going to drop $50 everytime they see a hunt they like. Which, btw, since joining the hunts have been rather lackluster and not as fun as some of the past ones I’ve seen from other people. Bring back the FREE fun of PIMD...
    CuteSiFiasco and _MaziKween_ like this.
  2. Pimd is still free. XC are new and you don't need to hit the LBs to play the game.

    I don't understand why people take these things so seriously. I barely even pay attention to the XC stuff. There were really no perks for people who spent a shit ton of money on cats to be IHS, so kinda cool they are giving back to those people who basically do their own part in funding this game.

    Play the game how you want, if you don't like the XC ATA isn't holding a gun to your head telling you that you must participate
    Leicha, Rizky, Merlyn and 7 others like this.
  3. I completely agree with you on this, I get the xcs are optional you can join them if you want etc but the prizes are 999’s, desks, 499s, bed, lite boxes, decor boxes, and more for this one so obviously people are going to see those rewards and want to get them.
    I understand wanting to reward the community that spend but a lot of people who play the game aren’t going to be able to afford that so it will be the same people getting all the rewards.
    It would be nice to have at least one that is fair to everyone whether they spend or not, bring back party hard xc or something similar so people will be happy there’s a chance at them at least winning something without forking out a fortune
  4. I’m sure th
    im sure they will eventually
    as a new member seeing bonuses for those who spend tons of money repeatedly is getting annoying it’s like they don’t care if you don’t pay up
  5. Lmfao no perks huh? As if just being in a cat club hitting cats for extra cash and drops isn't a perk. Not to mention more buddy boxes to open. You sound greedy.
  6. I'm not even in a cat club, I'm talking about extra perks. Please re-read my comments

    How am i greedy if i don't even benefit from any of what ata has been implementing? You sound dumb
    snow1066 likes this.
  7. "there was really no perks" *gets called out* "I'm talking about extra perks omg" 🙄🙄🙄🙄
    HaBaek and _MaziKween_ like this.
  8. They are only adding rewards for money spenders at the end of the day no matter what it is or if you use it, they are gaining something and you're not.
  9. My point still stands but you don't wanna acknowledge that. 🍵