Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. you're right you can't compete with me. But why are u even trying?
    ForeveR-DanK likes this.
  2. I would slap you silly in any competition any weather... its not even funny
  3. Youre probably a scrawny little bitch who thinks hes strong just cuz he has knowledge of crypto.. ive sold stock for profit, news flash you arent special
  4. Someone teach me how to post a selfie. I forgot how to. :/
  5. Look at you mixing it all up. Do u want me to school you on how cryptos and stocks are totally different? Oh wait this is the selfie thread. Post a selfie or gtfô
    ForeveR-DanK likes this.
  6. Upload to imgur
  7. Missed me soyboy?
  8. Cyoot pic.
  9. You donut strike me as a selfie kind of person
  10. Mmhmmm
  11. @wom
    In fact don’t worry, I’ll post for you ☺️
  12. I’m not but I’ve been looking fine asf.
    Muschi and PapiLovesHisTequila like this.
  13. Hello, it’s me.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  14. I like your shoes
  15. Oh aren’t you all grown up now! Aww