[Contest]- Poem/Love Letters

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Belle, Feb 1, 2020.

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  1. Dear Time,
    Why Is nothing passing..
    Mistakes I've made.
    Choices that hurt.
    The loses I've endured.
    You were supposed to heal.
    But everyday I still hurt?
  2. My Gab,

    You’re the one who knows how to cherish,
    even if some things may perish.
    You’re the one who makes me feel bright,
    The love of my life.

    Happy valentines!
  3. You are snowflakes glittering in the waning light of the sunset, momentary and beautiful.
    Your eyes sparkle with delight and laughter when you speak about everything you care about.
    I wish you would let me hold you in a gentle embrace, both for your protection and comfort, but you are not one to stay long.
    So I will admire your beauty from afar, but know I will always be waiting, when you are ready, with my love for you.
  4. You parted my legs as Moses did to the ocean.

    From it you plant kisses as Amos cultivated his farm.

    And you thrusted me deep into my guts as Jonah in the belly of a whale.

    And you topple my walls down as David defeated the giant named Goliath.

    Our intercourse is biblical.

    Our love is written on stars as constellations hold their stories of ancient Gods and Goddesses.

    I am yours as you are mine.

    In any lifetime, in any universes.

    Hold me as I hold you safely within my both arms.

    Both we will keep each others safe from any harms.

    1:12 am
    -Stella-5 likes this.
  5. [Cold Skin]

    Never felt coldness behind this cell,
    No one is feeling well.
    This ain't poem for a lovely day,
    It's for a soul that is finding its way.
    For Cupid to shot me in the eye,
    Cupid, please ask me why.
    I wanna feel the warmth they've been feeling.
    Let the cold skin disappear,
    Where happiness has ever been.

    Raini, -Stella-5 and ImPsyche like this.
  6. Naks 😍 hahahahahahahaa.
  7. Wao hahaha
  8. To My Architect ❤️,

    Let's build our dreams together
    Make our foundation stronger
    Love each other like no one's better
    and I will be your Engineer forever

    From Your Engineer ❤️
  9. Dear Love,
    You must of come
    from above.
    A smile so bright.
    Heart full of light.
    You are my Knight
  10. To my one and only love,

    I'll sail around the world and travel the seven seas, just to find the opportunity where we'll finally meet. Someday, I'll find a way to bring you over to me. Let our "Liking" start to bloom and blossom into "Loving".

    From your lover and friend,
  11. Dear you,

    You, with the sweetest smile i see,
    This little heart lits up with glee!
    Drunken world creating butterflies, flowers,
    I know in myself, this is my happy hour!
  12. For you,

    May we find one another again soon, my dear.
    The memories too good to give up just yet and the stories untold.
    A melody I’ve made while thinking of you and a song waiting to be sung.
    I’ll wait for you here until then, so don’t take too long.
  13. My light,

    If someday I will catch you,
    And I will kiss your foot
    You will limb a little afterwards,
    Being afraid of not breaking my kiss....
  14. Day by day, I kept on pretending.
    Got me stressing, now I'm relenting.
    Now I'm calling out to you,
    Just want you to want me too.
    I'm waiting but you're still not responding me...
  15. •Trapped•

    I am trapped
    between reality
    and dreams.

    The feeling of
    love radiating from
    my soul.

    Lost in the thoughts
    of your sparkling energy.

    I linger for your love,
    under the starry night.

    P.S: Will you be my valentine? ❤️
  16. Dear Anonymous

    Loving you was never a dare
    You cannot imagine how much I care
    If i can just hold you in my imagination
    I will love you like a grand celebration
  17. Rose's are red
    It is you I admire
    Dorothea, please love me back because
    I am Ferdinand von Aegir
  18. Some of you can write pages and yet can't read simple rules. Sadness.
  19. To my Butthead,

    Everything I say, I say with my heart, warm and unburdened from my past.

    Everything I do, I do with the comforting thought of our future.

    Everything I adore, is constant, it's you always guiding me to be present.

    All things, leading to these moments, the creation of us.

    From Your Shithead 💖
  20. To anon,

    Dev names are dark red,
    Honor student names are blue, when I talk to you I get butterflies in my stomach.
    May I spend Valentine’s Day and each day after with you?
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