Fact #2 Question #3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by YourDailyDoseOf0rg-sm, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. “Printing money for the people”
    From 1999 to January 2020 Venezuela’s socialist regime has “raised” minimum wage 51 times in nominal terms in local currency. In real terms, minimum wage has gone down from $75 to $3 a month.

    Can this happen to your country?
  2. Let me guess... as long as money in centralized in the government, yes?
    YourDailyDoseOf0rg-sm likes this.
  3. Yeah because they don't know that the currency has to hold its value for wages to actually be raised
    YourDailyDoseOf0rg-sm likes this.
  4. As long as the supply of money is infinite and Government or any authority can counterfeit the currency at will, yes
  5. I trust my government to, more or less, avoid creating economic bubbles and to back up their wealth with good industries.
  6. Yet were surrounded by bubbles, the bond market bubble, the stock market bubble, the education loan bubble, the global debt bubble (global debt stands at $250t) to name a few
  7. It's me
    Muschi likes this.
  8. qt
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.