Hired Farmers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xMadiTheAirbenderx, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. I wasn't hitting any premium parties and I didn't mean stat wise either...
  2. Well you havent become novice in any other aspect, still the same nub
    G00DNESS likes this.
  3. Who are you?? You may know of me, but you don't know me
  4. You are someone's alt and he's someone's alt and everyone and their neighbours are someone's alt these days.
    why can't just people have the spine to show their main.
  5. You guys know a lot of my accounts. Isn't dat enough?
  6. ??No jaco chan ima find your main one day.
  7. Who said I'm not on your friend's list already?
  8. I’m not an alt, you just dont remember me
    And he’s right, he could have you added already with his main
    I know which one it is ?
    G00DNESS likes this.
  9. Interesting...? Am I nice to your main??
  10. You are an alt? Who are you??
  11. In all honesty I don't reply much to PIMD people
  12. In all honesty I am a real human and not an npc.
  13. Das a damn lie
  14. Kefo can I farm for nub pencils? I’ll bring my own tractor
  15. Yes, let's go nub pencil farming.
  16. I meant in pm. So it's not
  17. Looking to hire a farmer. Needs to have at least 55-60mcs. Will pay. Please add me or wall me with prices as well as if you are able to. 💕 thank you
  18. Oh shiiiiii a barcode 😍