What are some words that you seriously dislike and why? I have been reminded by some ppl in a thread of the word "butthurt." I've never liked the term, not for any particular reason tbh it just sounds dumb and is oft a way of just dismissing people having emotions. Anyway. Anytime I've heard someone say it, I've always liked them less. Also, "Chad." Made a fren who used that word to insult rando white dudes berry regularly and it was off-putting, it made him sound like an incel even tho he wasn't. The end. What words make you temporarily dislike people.
"Period" in the usage that the kids these days are using it. It's so ignorant to me and to me makes them sound uneducated.
Not so much the words themselves, but people misusing health-related terms snags me for some reason. Calling something "cringy" cancerous, saying you're bipolar 'cause you had mood swings, that sort of thing. I don't hate people that do it, but it just bugs me because it feels like a subconscious triviliazation of the severity of things like cancer and bipolar disorder. ...Also if you say any slurs knowingly, get fucked. 🤣
If they apply to you, I'm not going to argue with reclaiming it as long as you aren't directing it at someone else maliciously. I do reclaim some slurs or other derogatory language personally in a joking manner. I used to try to bait people into calling me a kraut in these very forums! 😅
I agree, and it just makes me think of how disrespectful people usually are with the word "autistic". Seeing someone throwing that around as an insult gives off bad vibes to me.
I once dated a girl whose pet peeve was people being grossed out at the word moist. She would lose her mind w anger if anyone dared say it was a gross word. Was unintentionally hilarious.
I don't understand why people dislike the word moist. 😪 That's the best texture for cakes and brownies! I uh, I don't think there are any words in particular that I find icky. I like words. I do dislike when someone has a word that the misuse constantly and don't seem to know the actual meaning of.
That's so funny. I truly don't know why I dislike the way it sounds. Moist brownies? Yes, give me. But the sound of the word is just unpleasant to my ears.
Periodt? Yeah that’s annoying and I don’t understand it. Also I hate when people (not just men) use a woman’s period as an insult.