What's a good, decentralized image hosting site that you recommend? Posting garbage like that makes you sound like an absolute woketard, give us some information plz. And if you fail to provide any examples: may I point out that one of the benefits of having resources in centralized places is that the quality and user friendliness of things is often higher in those conditions. Centralization isn't always evil unless you're an anarchist, then I hope you enjoy your fragmentation, competition, alienation, and paranoia. Thx.
If someone could be kind and bump this man's selfie so it's clear and ready for the attachment I'm sure people would be able to post their... "reactions."
Post a selfie already you keep yapping your trap and calling Oni's ugly ass to bump my pic thats hella gay
Keep my name out of your trap if you cant come through with your own pic fool you know your confidence will die that day
Your pics are ancient bruh. Keep preaching that you look better now but i don't see you coming through to prove your point either
I literally look the same as my pic fatty stfu. Tryna get those wordcounts into your calorie loss smfh
You can’t say you look the same when literally minutes before you said you look greater. Just be real here and admit you have a dad bod now