I often find myself listening to music and thinking to myself this would be a good stripper song. I'm wondering if yall have found yourself in a similar situation. So here's my question, Your a world renowned stripper, you walk out onto the stage, the crowd is cheering woooooooo What song do you chose for your performance? Side question, do you have a theme to your performance? As per all my threads, gifts will be given randomly and maybe a larger gift, wink wonk💖
azealia is bonkers but: not rly a ~serious~ strip but it would be something fun and intermixed with some staple white-girl-trying-to-dance during the chorus
I forgot to put mine. Hear me out but i think Marilyn Manson - The Dope Show would make a killer stripper song. Or Jungle - Platoon I know song threads die out quick but please entertain my rando thoughts kthxbye
I was teasing. But also am I insane? I swear i remember you saying your family was from El Salvador or something. Or I am conflating my memories of you w someone else by accident
Mexico has strippers too. But I'm assigning you this bop cause you didn't pick one. You're welcome, it's a gooder