EVENT Big Top Energy

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Jan 7, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]

    Tess has got two tickets for "Cirque du Fansay," a spectacular extravaganza of whimsy, acrobatics, and hot circus performers in tights (champagne included).

    Meanwhile, Dani checks out some circus arts workshops, Carly plots a clownish revenge, and JD is in a tighter-than-usual spot...



    Pet Styles


    These are available for purchase at varying prices until the end of the event on January 21st at noon Pacific Time.

    Winter Furniture Box


    Our seasonal furniture box is here! This will contain all furniture released during 2020 winter months! BRR!

    Event Furniture



    All available through the event boxes, Winter Furniture Box and the Furniture Store!


    BIG 👏🏼 TOP 👏🏼 ENERGY 👏🏼

  2. 😍🤩
    I_bloomRoSa- likes this.
  3. Wow🔥
    [ATA]Queens likes this.
  4. The name of this hunt yesss 🥵 these avis no 🤡
  5. This is already one of my favourite dorms 😍
    Aloerin likes this.
  6. Noiceee 😍💕
  7. And here I was expecting a different theme. What a clown I am
  8. 🗑
    -Vexxy, Mew, Love and 24 others like this.
  9. Not a fan
    Suspension, Mew, Alollofern and 30 others like this.
  10. Avis.... not a fan
    Suspension, -Vexxy, Mew and 31 others like this.
  11. The avis are OK but the dorm 😍😍😍
  12. "Big top energy" ata your thirsty side is showing 🌚
    Tism, pesos, WildBlueberry and 15 others like this.
  13. The avi in the box 🤢
  14. Last as usual
    Gummie likes this.
  15. DUMBOOOO ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    TiffanyLee, DM_HisHarley and Gummie like this.
  16. Ring leaders the best and probably the hardest to get 😂
    Anna16419 and QueenOfSorrows like this.