The Problem with the Starter Club

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Lallianna, Jan 3, 2020.

  1. So recently I got an alt because so many people have them, why not right? Well, the problem with that is, I was introduced to the horrors that is
    (dun dun dunnnn)
    So some may not know, the starter club is a club youre automatically put into when you start. Here's the dealo. Since there is not real "club president" the place is overrunned by not so good people in the chat asking for things. I have no idea if any devs know of it, but it was disgusting. The club chat almost reminded me of pub chat but like 50% worse.
    Now I know we can report people but newbies don't know that. How are they supposed to know you can report persons in the club chat doing inappropriate things. That's why I suggest that we find a way to get these people in trouble. It isn't okay and I wouldn't be surprised if new players left the game because "is this how all clubs work?"
    There are no regulations and people run free. It would be hard to manage but I know there has to be a way to stop it.
    Rant over
    CrawlingUpFromHeIl and SaintBun like this.
  2. That's because you can't be reported for ANYTHING breaking ToU in club chat. The only people guarding Pub chat would be club admins.

    I suggest all mods having club roles and gold passes for Starter Club and allow Starter Club, and have mods be there to assist newbies and help teach them about ToU. Instead of silencing, they'll mute the players and it'll be a nice way to give them warnings and help them learn ToU before they actually get silenced.
  3. Good suggestion.

    I started before the starter club was around, so honestly I didn’t consider that 😮
  4. Same
  5. Idk it probly good for them to see that. Shows them what the game is like n why this a 17+ game
  6. I wouldn't say that entirely. Even if someone is 17+ (because let's be honest they have no control over who really downloads PIMD), some people still don't want to see that. I know i wouldn't want to see that in club chat.
    Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  7. Obscene violations of ToU are not why it is 17+. 🥴
    Lallianna, Kefo, Day and 1 other person like this.
  8. Idk that word. But like people always sextng n this game full of pedos to its why I watch if Tyler takes my phone he don't talk to random people
  9. It isn't supposed to have sexting and pædos. Thus, the 17+ rating is for other reasons.
    Lallianna and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  10. Oh why'd ata make a porn bot then
  11. I-…they didn’t
    Lallianna and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  12. Yehh they did with the porn avis
  13. RP* not porn.
    Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  14. Have you actually used the /roles feature? It's all clean roleplay, and actually really ridiculous ideas. It's more a joke than actual "dirty rp" suggestions.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  15. Yehh was curis so spamed it a bunch see what they all was
  16. Yeah. All the scenarios COULD be made to be dirty, but none of them are automatically dirty. And imo majority of them are just plain ridiculous. If you ask one of the weirdo rp people what their roles are, they're usually something illegal (some form of rape, pedophilia, and/or incest).
  17. 1 chick said wanted to do rp with me n wanted me to feed her food till she fat fat as fuck n then fuck her. Was weird as fuck I unadd her pritty quick
  18. Or simply have a bot do it with blacklisted words. I doubt many mods would want to do that, and the number of them that would be needed would perhaps leave moderation of the larger community compromised.

    Though that could also be solved by simply having more mods.
    Muschi and Lallianna like this.
  19. This interaction has me dying oml
    Muschi, Lallianna and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  20. Why