Birthday contest

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by SweetHearts, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. Hope you all had a great Christmas

    Never done one of these before so here goes.

    Today is my birthday 26/12 and to celebrate I'd love to give something back.

    All I want you to do is write a memory of a Christmas. It can be funny or even meaningful

    No alts 1 entry per person
    I'll be selecting 3 winners.

    1st place punk heap desk
    2nd place 2b
    3rd place 1b
    iPanicAtDiscos and Muschi like this.
  2. So for christmas i argued with my pimd friend and now we aint talking anymore, it aint funny nor meaningful but its the truth πŸ₯΄
  3. I hope your able to mend the friendship
  4. Christmas 5 years ago, I got together with one of my high school crushes.
    We had dinner and I dropped her home and went in for a kiss. It was unexpected, but she loved it.
    5 years later, we’re no longer together. But still remain friends. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‚
  5. Christmas had become a tradition to my family already;I remember when i was young
    all of my relatives would gather and celebrate christmas with us it was super fun and since my cousins are there we would go house to house and sing caroling songs😊
  6. This Christmas was the best Christmas I have ever had. I received the most thoughtful gift I ever got and I cried for about 5 minutes after opening it because it meant so much to me. It was a handmade necklace with all my pets names on it, it’s absolutely beautiful as well. I’ll never be taking it off. I also got and gave a bunch of other very thoughtful gifts which made this Christmas great since we all put in so much thought and effort ❀️❀️

    Ps: Happy Birthday!
    Cavalera likes this.
  7. First of all, happy birthday, @Unfaithful πŸŽ‰ May you have a jolly year ahead!

    Secondly, this will be a memory of how lil' me discovered there's no Santa!

    So I was like 9-10yo when I discovered. By then I should have known there's no Santa, but every time I questioned it, people gave vague answers, or claimed he existed. Okay, so far so good! Santa exists! (in my head)

    There were were no presents under the tree and I asked mom why Santa hasn't given me anything that year. Have I reaaaaaaally been that much of a naughty kid that he hadn't even bothered to gift me coal? Her reply was "Your dad drank all the money, so there's no more for presents this year. Even now he's at a bar, getting drunk as a skunk. Merry Christmas, by the way!" she said with a very tired face.
    I looked at her with an expression that could be read as "I have no idea what you're talking about, aside from dad being an alcoholic, as usual". Then it dawned on her. I didn't know about Santa not being the old, bearded guy in a red suit that people claimed existed.
    She apologized for lying all these years and borrowed some money from grandma (because grandparents always have a hidden stash of money.... Somewhere) and we went Christmas shopping.

    And that actually made me happier than when I used to wake up to presents under the tree. The end.

    πŸŽ„ Happy holidays, everyone πŸŽ„
    French-Toast and FullOfNonsense like this.
  8. dude same!πŸ₯Ί
    Manipulative likes this.
  9. Oh also,
    Happy Birthday!πŸ™
  10. This christmas which was last night, my rs & I decided to do couple 🐱 starting at 8pm and we struggled all night tried to stay awake to hit partiesπŸ’ͺ😀
    We talked about random stuffs keeping each other awakeπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ
    It has been 24hours since our session started and we still havent finished itπŸ˜†πŸ˜‚
    We barely got any sleepπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
    But it's funπŸ˜†πŸ˜‚
    That's all.
    I wish you all the bestπŸ’“
    *It's also my parents' 25years wedding anniversary🌹
    Lena_Luthor likes this.
  11. Sorry Forgot to Say Happy Birthday❀
  12. During our childhood, my siblings and I would always eat too many sweets on Christmas Eve so come Christmas Day, at least one of us would always have... stomach issues.
  13. Happy birthday! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    Last year, we pranked my little brother for Christmas πŸ˜…πŸŽ„
    He was 11 and he was spending his time on his phone during dinner instead of talking to everyone who came to celebrate Christmas. While he was in the kitchen, we noticed that he had left his phone near us. So we decided to teach him a little lesson πŸ˜‚
    We spent the evening hiding it from him, passing it to one another so he wouldn't find it. We all love to prank in our family so everyone was going along with us πŸ˜‚ But then we had the best idea ever! We wrapped it and hid it with the other presents. 🎁
    Then Santa Claus came to give everyone their presents (my grandfather disguise himself as Santa each year for the kids of the family) and we offered my brother his own phone he had been searching for all evening πŸ˜‚
    It was very hard not to laugh when we handed him his "gift" and then watching him unwrap it. We all laughed our ass off, including my brother 🀣🀣🀣
    It was one of the moment of my life I laughed the most 🀣
    Hope you spent a great Christmas! πŸŽ„
    Cavalera likes this.
  14. Last year I choked on Turkey
    Muschi and blehbloh like this.
  15. Will be picking winners soon
    Muschi likes this.
  16. A Christmas memory I will never forget, even if I tried... Last year on Christmas, my older brother passed away due to an overdose. He had battled over half of his life with addiction and finally that addiction won. So as I look towards the new year, another year without him, I was just wanting to use this opportunity to raise awareness to those who battle depression/anxiety/addiction/etc. You may not think you're loved and wanted, but you are. So, please, get the help you deserve before it's too late. Sorry, if I bummed anyone out, it's just hard not to talk about around this time.
  17. Winnners were picked by a random number generator of which i did record.

    FIRST PLACE : IND_Leabtte


    French-Toast likes this.
  18. ALL prizes have been sent out thank you all for the birthday wishes πŸ’–πŸ’–

    Will b3 doing more of these.