Okay but seriously...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hill_, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. Can we the fossils of this game finally get an award besides the badge for being in this game for almost 9 years?

    Like damn...

    If nothing happens when i get to 9 years we are gonna have a serious conversation in the 10 year anniversary.

    You’ll hear from me again next year. I swear
    LilMissSnowy and ForeverAlice like this.
  2. You can have a sticker
    Rizky, Maddi_Matsu and Hill_ like this.
  3. What do you suggest?
  4. Ill take anything
  5. I mean for 9 years. Maybe an old school avi of your choice. Or something made for 9 years

    But for 10 years (next year). There must be some big event. You know? Its the 10 year anniversary of the game
    Rizky and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  6. An old-skool avi might be nice. Would it be possible though that some of the players with you in the almost-9-years-boat may already own the avis from the time period? I know avis didn't come out as frequently as they do know, so I'm sure they were, in a way, a bit easier to collect.

    Yeah, I'm sure ATA will have something special planned for the 10th anniversary.
    Rizky and Maddi_Matsu like this.

  7. Probably. But the first event avis that were released some were hard to get since not everyone knew how to do things correctly.
    But maybe you are right.
    Rizky and ForeverAlice like this.
  8. Either way, it's still a decent idea. Maybe they'll even throw in a lite box if you guys are extra lucky!
    Rizky, Maddi_Matsu and Hill_ like this.
  9. You will get pastrami
    Rizky, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  10. does it have stats?
    Rizky and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  11. [​IMG]
    Kiddo, Rizky, Muschi and 6 others like this.
  12. Well ill be damned...
    Kiddo, Rizky and Kefo like this.

  13. It really is the anniversary of the game. I feel like the players care more about pimd history and keeping in touch with all that's happened on this silly mobile platform than the Devs do. Which is fine, but the players have helped shape the whole thing.

    And not to get a soap box BUT ALOT OF SHIT HAPPENED. Like a TON of stuff. I would make a thread but it wouldnt do it justice.
  14. I actually highly doubt ATA has something special planned for their 10 year anniversary.

  15. Some devs havent been working on the game since it launched. There’s a lot of in game history. Which is interesting and cool. i agree.
  16. There's so many people that I would want to come back really. Like players. Like it would need be AN EVENT. Like BoS 5 but bigger. Like the SFW between RS and BCS but BIGGER. like are the barcodes really ascension? Is Rising Stars too powerful all out Top 10 clubs SFW with alliances and shit SFW but BIGGER.

    Like you could honor and recognize all the moderators past and present. You could reward everyone who's ever been on Top 10 on the leaderboard for a year or more. Special honor to #1 on leaderboard. Like I would say as the game style changed you could tell the shit by how the leaderboard changed. 😗

    Idk I'm just a big noticer of things
  17. Like that one time Captain Jack left PIMD and got banned. Damn that was like the BC and AC (maybe not really) but yeah
    ForeverAlice likes this.

  18. Omg that's so crazy to think about. That you've been associate with the game longer than some of the devs 😂
  19. 🙁They could do all of that
  20. The fact that CJS and Cookie were underaged mods and it showed.

    Also tf that MAGNIFICENT (Top 10 leaderboard dude with powerful club. Big spenda.) farmed flumyz (old asian campus mod) and supposedly that's why he was the only person to ever be TRULY permanently silenced. 🧚‍♀️
    Sirrracha likes this.