STORY PASS Fame & Fortune

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 29, 2019.

  1. Can you reread what I said, for the love of my sanity?

    I said you can be mad about there being an expiration date. But, ATA also made it very clear that there was one, so you shouldn't be saying it surprised you when it expired.
  2. It did surprise me and surprise a lot of people, they literally put hard tasks and we started doing their shit from the beginning but literally didnโ€™t even reach the half of the story, they keep giving us some random things instead of just giving us the avis which is why we paid from the beginning, stop defending them ๐Ÿ™„
  3. Scott lmaooo ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜‚
    Tbh some of the drops were low but I just did a bunch of lbh and completed it.
    Hera and Muschi like this.
  4. It's over 1 month old tho it loads of time
    Sirrracha likes this.
  5. That's what I did as well.
    Please. Read. What. I. Am. Saying.
    You can be upset that there was an expiration date. You can be upset that the storyline was ridiculous. I am too! Just because I'm not publicly complaining about it doesn't mean I didn't find it frustrating either.

    All I am saying is that ATA informed that there would be an expiration date. It wasn't like it expired randomly. They informed us. Yes, I agree that there should not have been one in the first place. However, it didn't suddenly just expire without warning like some people are acting like it did.
    Sappho and Hera like this.
  6. No one is surprised, people are just frustrated. The drop rate was trash compared to the time they allowed to finish. Everyone knew when it was expiring, you're just dumb and aren't reading what people are saying. Shut up and go spend more of your dad's money on a mobile game.
    _Buggy_, itsclara and Snowy_Winter like this.
  7. They kept putting on a new thing every week, how are people supposed to focus on one thing? Everyone was focused on collecting bf items and no one noticed that expired until later, I finished a task only to find out that it expired like wtf
    _Buggy_ and Snowy_Winter like this.
  8. What? My dad hasn't paid for anything. I have a job and I make my own money. Personal attacks are a low blow. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป
    Sappho likes this.
  9. If you're the "frustrated not surprised" group, I am too. You guys literally cannot read. I am frustrated that I had a deadline. I made it, but that doesn't mean it was frustrating. My post was not directed at you if you were not surprised. It is directed at the people that were surprised, because there are some. You weren't. Some were. Personal attacks are lame af especially since I stated multiple times that I am in the same boat as you guys. ๐Ÿ™„
    Hera and Sappho like this.
  10. You're literally just on here to tell people they're wrong for being upset and they really aren't. They released 7-10 different story lines/hunts in under 3 weeks and it just didn't make it possible/accessible for an average player who still paid for the story pass, like everyone else.
    itsclara and _Buggy_ like this.
  11. No, I'm not. I said I was upset too, and that I just wasn't publicly complaining in forums (but I don't think there's anything wrong with doing it). I said in my first post that it's okay to be upset about there being a deadline. How many times do I have to say it? How many times?
    Sappho likes this.
  12. Still sad that they didn't extend the story expiration :( I was literally a couple hundred cups away from finishing the whole thibg and getting the cats (the main reason I got the story, aside from the pentacle avi).

    I get that they want you to spend more money by gifting the story pass to others but it just kinda sucked that it made it crazy difficult to get the drops for the coins, cups, etc without the gratitude voucher.

    Like I was in a cc club the whole time I was doing the story and I still couldn't finish it. Imagine being someone who was in POTD clubs. I'm not mad, just really bummed out and feel like I didn't get my money's worth. Hhh, idk
    Snowy_Winter, itsclara and _Buggy_ like this.
  13. I agree and will never put money into the game again because of it.
    Snowy_Winter and itsclara like this.