Petition For Better Story Avis

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Tameless, Dec 3, 2019.

  1. **DISCLAIMER: This is the first time I’ve written a thread, so bear with me**

    This thread is about an opinion commonly shared by many players of the pimd community. It is debatable, so you don’t have to participate if you don’t support.

    I think I speak for everyone when I say that the hunts story avatars (aka avis/avas)are getting progressively worse, not to mention you only get regular and vip now. Many players have asked the lovely devs of this game to add an update where avis are tradable but they said it will never happen. One reason is they want older hunt avis. Why? Because the older hunt avis are actually more appealing than the newer ones. The art concept of avis are getting worse and although ata added where you can vote on a hunt, it doesn’t really give much feedback. We may like the idea of the hunt, but not so much the avis, and every time you send a help ticket to ata with feedback, they tell you to make a thread in forums, so here it is. The avis from older hunts look better than the newer ones because ata has added avis you can obtain by collecting shards and they, of course, look better! Why does ata do this? It tricks players into spending the money to get the avis just because they are appealing, not just the stats. The story avis are unappealing because ata spends more time and thought on the design of avis that essentially make their players, as we say, broke (not to mention hunts are now back to back). There’s no way to sugar coat the fact that ata is tricking us into spending money for avatars without thinking that if they made hunt avis better, we might spend more just to have them. I’ve talked to some new players, and they agree the avis suck. Others simply think they’re good because they’ve never seen an avi from a couple years ago since they started, so they don’t know what they hype about wanting better avis is about. That being said, this is an opinion and you don’t have to participate if you choose not to.

    Game developers put more time and effort into shard avatars to make them more attractive to trick players into spending money and have made hunts back to back. Therefore, leaving less time for the hunt avis’ designs, making them the opposite. Ata should have thought about improving the avis and planning hunts way ahead with the designs before they started releasing shard avis.

    **Please comment if you support**
    Diana4063 and Psycxdxlic like this.
  2. No support, exclusive or expensive avis should look better than virtually free avis. No support for avi trading either.
  3. I think ATA does try to make avatars nice to the best of their ability.

    You do have to consider that as the game continues to exist they have to create new and unique avatars, so it might be difficult to come up with a design that pleases everyone.

    Additionally, the only way that I could see ATA being able to have more time to work on avatars is if there were breaks between hunts. I’m sure it’s difficult to constantly create new hunts and ideas.
  4. To much words but no. Draw them if you want better stuff n give it to ata. I'm happy I get 2-4 Avis or maybe more some times every hunt for FREE. Ata could easy make it can ONLY buy Avis and people will pay for it so ata still happy
    Bambi_ likes this.
  5. I put a summary for a reason moron
  6. I never said O supporting avi trading either. you people that think free avis should stay the way they are are the type of people that can afford exclusive avis. not everyone can and that’s what I was tying to get at so leave if ya don’t like it
  7. I get that, but it’s not hard to make sure details in the avi are correct. they can’t even draw toes or ankles right💀
    PrincessMia likes this.
  8. Maybe so.

    They do have to make a ton of avatars though for each hunt, especially like during BF since they released a bunch of new avis.

    But I do get your point.
    Rizky, Bambi_, Anahita and 1 other person like this.
  9. Everyone can make as many posts about better this and better that.
    But $$ talks if their are always plenty of people buying Avis they will always make good Avis to be purchased.
    Just like how my fav. Avis are usually the LB Avis they are going to give the best to the paying.
    This is a freemium game.
    I think they do a decent job at trying to balance “free” Avis and paid.
  10. I support.
  11. Nah they should dedicate less time to avatars and more on implementing the few fixes to forums that should be made.
  12. Js don't make a post in forums and not expect negative feedback there's no reason to be harsh with people simply because they don't agree with you. If you really want "exclusive Avis" you'll find a way I'm nowhere near rich and I've been able to get many shard Avis without spending money
    DanieIIa, -Wisteria-, Rizky and 10 others like this.
  13. Oooh, the 6k story avis for this hunt are kyoot af.
    Rizky and Bambi_ like this.
  14. It still to much words dumb fuck
    Kiddo and Bambi_ like this.
  15. Nope I'm algoodz with Avis how they are and I don't spend nothing irl money on here. If you want better avis get drawing and show ata n if they good ata will take them n redraw them in the game style n add them in a hunt or as a perm avi even maybe
    Bambi_ likes this.
  16. Support my forums crashs like 4845784 times a day 😂😂😶
    Bambi_ and Muschi like this.
  17. I’m just frustrated that more often than not, the avatars I like the most for a given hunt are either leaderboard (and thus almost certainly out of my range) or random drops for boxes (and thus unpredictable-will they drop from free timer/lite boxes, or cost me many credits to obtain, or never even drop at all...)

    Out of four sets of avatars in a hunt, I’m lucky to get one, and I’m no slacker.
    Bambi_ likes this.
  18. Okay I agree that Expensive avatars should look better than free avatars. BUT WHY DO THE 500 EC AVATARS IN THE STORE LOOK LIKE GARBAGE. And why do the leaderboard avatars look like garabage? And the box avatars???

    The only avatars that look good rn are the shards (Zodiac and Pantheon, black friday collectibles, and the Pomegranite story hunt) It's like they're do being selective about what to put time and effort into. Which is fine.

    I think any business should be selective about the greatest resource of all (Time and Effort) But like if you're not gonna do a job with something... why put it out???

    Meh, people will complete hunts, collect items, and spend ec regardless of what the avatar looks like. Weirdos.
  19. Honestly, if people are so upset over the appearance of avis, then you don't have to play this game.

    They come out with new avis pretty much every two weeks. If you don't support their content, you don't have yo continue playing the game
    DanieIIa, Diana4063, Rizky and 3 others like this.