LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Myth Fulfillment: A Story Pass

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. I've been hitting parties for ages and haven't gotten the puppies yet 😕
    SarcasticResponse likes this.
  2. Buying male story pass 3b
  3. 2 straight days of cat parties and still no puppies
  4. Anyone selling giftable ones? Buying the Female one!
  5. Wish i could buy one but im poor 😭
  6. This time's pass is not giftable, it's tradable. Please don't send bentos snd get scammed
  7. I'm trying to get to the true ending but requires 100 mystery gems? I don't understand where to get. You said gold Pomergrate and I bought but nothing ?
  8. Buying female pass!
  9. Buying the male pomegranate pass wmis 💗
  10. Buying the female vip story pass for 3🍱....wall me
  11. Hey bb. The gems are party drops, but you’re not going to get one every party. It’s random af. The gold pomegranate is to try again if you chose the wrong response option.
    SarcasticResponse likes this.
  12. No puppy still 😭
    Pahuj, Hag and SarcasticResponse like this.
  13. You brought the wrong one . The tradeable passes are in the store in mics they have bows on them
  14. I can't accept my rewards to move fwd with the quest? It says accept I hit n it loads but nothing happens
  15. just keep at it. They say it only takes a few tries but that’s clearly not the case for everyone lol. I didn’t get a drop until I hit 29k flowers, when others got theirs at only like 10k. I think it’s just really random tbh
    Natsuo and SarcasticResponse like this.
  16. Buying male story pass 3b
  17. I keep getting an error for collecting the tier 2 rewards. I havent bought both vip M/F Versions and I’ve even tried to buy the restart pomegranate. This is so frustrating.
  18. Ata how many tries does it take to get the puppies? I've flashed for 3 days straight and nothing
    Pahuj likes this.
  19. It’s literally right next to the others in misc and says giftable in the description.
  20. I want to know how people have 5/5 puppies before some people even have their first???