Important question for ATA

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by TheCatLady, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. Are your servers fully prepared for what's coming?
  2. No they already laggy again
    Muschi and TheCatLady like this.
  3. Probably not
  4. I can't wait to see all the butthurt
    Meanie, -Talia and Muschi like this.
  5. My game crashed not long after I put this 😶 ata pls fix before black friday hunt starts so that only the new broken stuff needs fix
    Meanie likes this.
  6. I think this issue has been around for a while now
  7. What has
  8. The “Laggy server = app crash” issue
  9. ATA did say they upgraded their servers mid-September, but to what extent they define an "upgrade" as is unknown. And... whether or not said update will be able to hand Black Friday traffic is to be determined.

    Honestly? I think it's inevitable that the game is going to crash. At this point, it's just taking bets on how long it'll be down for... and mentally preparing yourself so you don't have a mental breakdown because you can't log into PIMD, since some people apparently require that.
  10. Oh yehh they needa stay away from animated loading screens coz that made it worser to
  11. the crashing issue
  12. TBH if they compensate with 25 dns I'd be happy if the server goes down for a day
    Ulquiorra, Muschi, Meanie and 2 others like this.
  13. More like a few lite boxes and 2 dns