Rating Clubs

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by HypnocatMoreLikeHypnoKooch, Nov 16, 2019.

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  1. Hey sooo.. idk if there’s a similar thread but, how about we rate clubs and leave reviews? This should be helpful in finding a good cc club. Any review attacking a specific person in the club could be handled by a mod or smth. Also, the club shouldn’t have the ability to turn off the ratings. Sure people WOULD create alts, find ways to make their club stand out, but overall I believe this could be handy.
  2. Some one did this already I remeber
  3. I
    is that so? Then I req lock
  4. My head said I remeber see this before not long ago
  5. Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  6. Locking per request.

    That is a good idea doe 💕
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