Avi item Raffle + More!

Discussion in 'Activities' started by OwlShit, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. Owl Here I Know Its Been Awhile Needed A Break And A Fresh Start🥰 So Here is A Small Raffle Before I Set Up A Bigger One For Thanksgiving/Blackfriday!!!

    So The Prizes Are
    • Coz Desk
    • As If Desk
    • Rainbow Unicorn Cake (M 1/2)
    • Resplednt Gemtail Peahen (F 1/2)
    • Rainbow Violet Cloud (M 1/4)
    • Royal Indigo Ribbon (M 1/2)

    🥰 So Thats 6 Diffrent Winners!🥰


    How To Enter Send Any Of The Following To BipolarPrincess🦉


    Item Options:

    • Chibi - 2 Entries
    • Common BB Items - 1 Entry
    • Rare BB Items - 2 Entries
    • Spinnar Items - 3 Entries
    • 125 kcs Items - 3 Entries
    • 250 kcs Items - 8 Entries
    • 500 kcs Items - 15 Entries
    • 1 M items - 25 Entries
    • Spinner / Combined BB Items - 50 Entries
    • 2 M Items - 100 Entries
    • 1 Bento = 100 Entries

    Furni Options:

    • Wallpaper / Floors - 1 Entry
    • Posters / Above Desk / Above Bed / Above Plant - 3 Entries
    • Shelf / Lamp - 10 Entries
    • Chairs / Plants / Tables - 20 Entries
    • Rugs / Bookcase - 50 Entries
    • Bed - 100 Entries

    Winners Will Be Announced On Nov 18Th!


    Ps Drop a Comment Below I May Do A Random Giveaway In The Comments!

    Queenpotatofries and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  2. First?🥴
  3. lol guess soooo 😂
  4. I'm sorry how does this work. Like random generator? And people can buy a shit ton of entries? 🤔
  5. How is that a giveaway? Is this just a furniture sale but you get more stuff because many people are entering. Smart and scammy
  6. it's a raffle, not a giveaway
    OwlShit and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  7. Issa no from me
  8. I forgot to say “entered”
    OwlShit likes this.
  9. this nvr claimed to be a giveaway i said comments below woild be elegable for a giveaway. and no its not unlimited entries. its a cap of entries. this is a Raffle as the title claims. ive done these in the past and no i dont ususally make a profit cause the more people who join the more stuff i add to the pot last one i did 8 raffle items then 3-4 completly free giveaway items😋im not scaming anyone
    Daian and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  10. Entered
    OwlShit likes this.
  11. 😋How bout this Like this comment! and one person will be chosen for a free stay at a kini club/ a kini dropped in your club / or a bento winners choice💖
  12. ooo i see alot of likes 😭How bout this reply to this Comment any future things youd like to see raffled cause yalls opinions matter to me💖 ima be doing a huge raffle between blackfriday and xmas some time its gunna be at least 1 full dorm and 1-2 999s and about 3 499s maybe some old pimd items or a pimd crate if i can get my hands on one for yall💖
  13. Entered. Maybe one of my two entries gets picked 🌝💕
    OwlShit likes this.
  14. Awesome! Thanks for the raffle!

    This is a must watched thread
    OwlShit and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  15. Thanks for doing this giveaway I will also participate for your other huge raffles as I really like raffles😍😍
    Diana4063 and OwlShit like this.
  16. 🥰🥰i love seeing ya particapate one of my few people who keep comeing back 😍😛(ign was IrritableOwl)
    Queenpotatofries likes this.
  17. I would like to see raffled some cute old dog misc 🥺 even the low stats cuz they cute and apparently expensive to get🤧
  18. im sorry ive been sick and busy ill be posting a entries roster here first thing in the am so yall can see where yall stand 😍