New Social Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Kefo, Nov 8, 2019.

  1. I reckon the leaderboard should have a social section with two categories.

    Fame:- Most followers

    Infamy:- Most players blocked by.

    Support or nah? Thanks.
    iPanicAtDiscos likes this.
  2. Nah. The likes option on forums created a lot of tension when it dropped so I can't even imagine what it will do to pub/campus with people asking to be followed or stuff like that.
    Joy, GodTierOni and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  3. It would be glorious
  4. You mean like your dead B iS fOr bIlLiOns stunt?
  5. Itโ€™s pointless.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  6. I mean, a famous leaderboard certainly would give the "popularity" section on your profile some sort of reason to exist. I still donut know why the amount of unanswered friend requests] needs to be publicly viewable :lol:
    Inactive, WhoTfIsWesday and Victoria like this.
  7. Pimd has long had a focus on popularity with the total number of friends being visible since as long as I can remember, and now with quests where we're ebcouraged to add people.

    The point of this fame board would be as a greater incentive to be social and make new friends.
    The point of the infamy board would be to promote prosocial behaviour so that you don't get blocked by people and added tp that list. It might also encourage shenanigans (within the ToU, of course) but that's jolly, too.
  8. Ahem... "aDd mE fOr a cHiBi"
  9. Looking forward to that frenzy. And in the long term, it'd probably give many people a strong reason to stay active on pimd. Be proud of our socialites grinding for friends.
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  10. I can't see how intentionally turning it into a popularity contest promotes positive community engagement. To be blunt, it would be a sh*tshow.
    Cindyrela, Carrie and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  11. I bet if they did do this itโ€™d only be for a hunt
  12. I can think of no positive outcomes for this. It's already annoying that I need to add ppls for that story quests.
    Carrie and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  13. You don't have to do anything or care about the leaderboard. It won't influencr every player, same as the current leaderboards.

    Giving a shit about it will be optional, but it will likely give a large portion of the community a sense of accomplishment and purpose. I'm surprised by the negativity of the responses to this idea ๐Ÿ˜‚

    For all that we've thought and tried to devise some way to make an achievement that can't be bought from a.t.a for money while still being in line with the spirit and ethos of PIMD as a social MMORPG with themes of college life, popularity, infamy, eavesdropping, gossip, club warfare, tribalism, etc. A. K. A, a shit show., I think this would be a good answer.

    Just another way to play, unbiased and competitive.
    I'd respect the more blocked players above certain other players whose existence on pimd consists of paying to do expensive parties to get expensive items and upgrade stats but never use them.

    ๐Ÿ˜‚ And I think it would be worth giving a shot if the devs could figure out a way to detect the numbers of players people are blocked by, include it in some tally, and present that info. But yeah. Even if it's a fuck up that only lasts a hunt, it could still be awesome and provide many players with a reason to play and be active.
  14. Easy just ask for rp in pub
  15. That does get a lot tbh
  16. What is the best way to up your stats?
  17. Be active and be in a good club. Pm me n I can help you
    Muschi likes this.
  18. i hate this idea
    Voseph and Maddi_Matsu like this.