Kay so I’ve been getting tons of hate on my ign from one of my friends so I’m thinking about changing it. I’d want it to be something with ”Lou” tho because I’ve always been Lou or Louie 🌚🌚 honestly pls help me.
Don’t change your ign just because a “friend” is giving you crap over it. If you like it, own it. Also tell your “friend” to piss off.
I don’t know how your friendship is with this person. And I don’t really care ya know. But- lol it’s okay to have friends like this they might not say it with a bad intention. Just fooling around ya know. So I’m not going to judge a person whom I do not know. Anyways “I personally like your name just how it is”. And if you truly want to change it go ahead. 🤍😊
I think the friend is critical of the "baby" part. Having baby in your name can lead to having to deal with certain types of creeps, people thinking you're dumb, etc. Y'all are just reading it as the friend being a bully rather than thinking that they could have Lou's interests in mind, and that they might be on the same page with this. I think that there could be multiple issues with having such a name, and it's likey that they've outgrown it anyway. Try loubricant.
Kefo 😂 I’m still surprised you haven’t suggested anything that has to do with your own ign, seeing as that is what you usually do. And yes it’s the ”baby” part that annoys him.
This would fit me really well tbh, I’m gonna write that down. I frikkin love crosswords and cross-stitching