LIMITED-TIME CONTENT November Snowmember: Monthly Avatars, Items & Furniture

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. We're going to go ahead and keep this fairytale theme going well into fall. Get your hands on this month's exclusive avatars, items and furniture!




    Grab 'em at the Store or through the November Timer Box!



    Available through the Furniture Store and the Fall Furniture Box!




    November Spinner Items are now here until noon PST on December 1st, 2019!

    White Wolf Figurine

    Stag Figurine

    Model Pumpkins

    Empty Snowglobe

    Collect 5 of each to have them automatically combine into...

    Autumn Snow Globe

    Available through the Prize Spinner and November Timer Boxes until December 1st, 2019 at noon PST!

    Timer Box

    November Timer Box be dropping the following:
    ☞ November Spinner Items
    ☞ November Avis

    The content inside this Timer Box will be available until noon PST on December 1st, as is tradition.

  2. Ok the spinner item is so cute :D
    Meanie, Gossamer, BunnyPirate and 2 others like this.
  3. How exciting! 😁
  4. Nah,October Ava is better ,i swear man
    -Wisteria- likes this.
  5. Cute furni πŸ’–
    __Anna__ likes this.
  6. my favorite time of the year :,)
  7. Why are the avis 200 ec? Plus, the November timer box just had a dn in itπŸ‘€
    -Tori- likes this.
  8. Love the Avis except the second female one. Her feet look messed up. Do the people who draw the Avis not know anatomy??
  9. I thought the same thing lol
  10. these are repulsive
  11. aww cute!!aww yeah.. that one is my fav except for the feet πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  12. The anatomy is rlly bad with some(!) avis like damn. The feet, hands, legs and arms are... idk.
    I really don't wanna hear a "cAn YoU dO iT BeTtEr ThO???" Cause bro, they get paid to make these.
    I really like the designes tho, very pretty.

    (Honestly what is that leg of the pumpkin boy???? Yikes)
  13. Omg I really like the avis πŸ₯Ί
  14. 😍 loveeeeeeee
  15. Love some of the avis and spinner items cute af. Bit confused as to why the November spinner box only has dns in though πŸ™ˆ I just won one and no avis in
  16. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/7ghHVne"><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>