Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. Because you just don’t, it’s nothing to cry over. When you get around 8 bentos maybe you can buy a 499 from someone.
  2. not even 8. like 3 bentos
  3. I don’t even know what stuff goes for anymore and the furniture guide isn’t helpful anymore because no one follows it so it’s basically outdated.
    Alyxander likes this.
  4. 3 is average recycle price rn
  5. Oh I meant like regular prices
  6. That’s fascinating! I never knew that but I don’t see cat nip for spices in the stores😅
  7. when will you remove the zodiac shards?
  8. Never, they’re a permanent part of the game
  9. What is reward in pvp event?
  10. Drops?
  11. Hey, Happy Halloween ATA! 💞🎊👻
  12. Can we have a change up of the spinner? Allow players to win pimd keys and box cutters 🙏
  13. Can win ec on it use them to buy them ata not giving up their money
  14. Do furni boxs even ixist now I havnt seen 1 in forever
  15. Um. This is one for a current side story.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  16. I meaning like normal hunt furni boxs not them 1 that has every thing shove in them every year like how black friday had a hunt box n then the furni box only furni from that hunt nothing else
  17. Why PIMD don't have any music? I'm just curious.;)
  18. Coz there's enuf lag n shut break all the time already don't need more shit to add to the lag
  19. probably never
  20. this is a closed thread, why are people still asking questions 😂