Lettuce Create a Bucket List

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Oct 30, 2019.

  1. Principal Kefo sounds hot
  2. Yeah, I consider them never-ending lists that I always add things to. What kind of books did you want to publish? What kind of revolution did you want to start? And I was going to offer you shrooms but they probably wouldn't be able to cross the border. If you ever travel to certain places in Europe truffles are totally legal. It's also a cool science-ish project to try and grow your own. Which reminds me of another thing I want to add to my bucket list.

    - have a garden w all my favourite fruit and veg in it.
  3. We actually moved out of state ๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. O yeah same on the garden. Even just to grow basil and oregano.

    And idk about the books. Would probably be social commentary, sci fi, or a series of kids books.

    And the cultural revolution would be to make socks and sandals cool again.

    I'm following a few cultural warriors taking on apple and fighting for the right to repair (Louis Rossman), Youtube content creators fighting for proper rights amd protections for their main source of income (Joerg Sprave), and a few others who are setting the record straight for the future of the internet and big tech. I'm sort of in awe of that and want to push for a few things.
    They're probably not controversial enough to cause a cultural revolution but I'll find something.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  5. Are you sure you didn't do shrooms ?
  6. Sing with a jazz band
    Learn how to surf
    Go scuba diving
    Make a street graffiti
    Become bachata champion
    Visit iceland

    Lol, this is really fun
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  7. 1 down, 6 to go
    WhoTfIsWesday and Muschi like this.
  8. Own 274 more cats
    Destroy all funnel fries from existence
    Squeeze kim kโ€™s fake booty
  9. Hypnocats count?
  10. Ooooo me n Tyler gonna try surfing after learn to swim after get this shit off my ankle