BUYING Geode bed Geode plant (can also trade frostfall plant for it) Geode wall (can also trade other walls in showcase for it if you see one you like) WM with prices or if selling, ty ☺️
BUYING 🗻 nautical plush shelves — preferably lvl 1 ski lodge fireplace 999 leaf & gourd chair leaf & gourd floor **no random adds & op please; ignoring no offers
I saw someone selling a T10 Aquarium style 999 in Campus yesterday, if anyone knows who it was please Wall me!
Selling Brotien 999ecs (Record player and album) Also Selling East Village Bed. Both for 38-40 bentos. Wall Me Offer.
BUYING • Scuba Diver’s Aquarium 999 • Pride Reef Walls, Floor, & Nautilus (Above Plant) • Geode Bookcase • Mermaid’s Bower Pearl Chair SELLING WMO • Retro Sleek Bed • Grunge-Chic Desk • Vocat Indoor Hammock Bed