LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Cryptid! At The Disco | Elite EXTRA tier of Avatars!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 26, 2019.

  1. [​IMG]

    To reward our super dedicated players who have hardcore been into this event, we're releasing a brand new EXTRA tier of our most popular Cryptid! At The Disco monster avis.

    Get your claws on these elite versions!


    Available in the Event Shop until noon Pacific Time on November 8th.

    #1 ATAMarceline, Oct 26, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2019
  2. Questionnnnn: can we still get them normally from side quests if we have 0 plaques left??😂
    Libulan and Flare140 like this.
  3. Jk doesn’t matter because I have NO where near enough snow globes
  4. 15,000,666
    so specific

    ata confirmed devils
    Piyu24, tatertot, Libulan and 17 others like this.
  5. Thanks but no thanks only they top 1 in LB can buy maybe and seriously if someone can earn 15mil of the snow globes drops means that person has lots of potion bonus, so how will that person have 375k plaques to buy that avi..... This 2 condition to buy the avi is ridiculous....
    Mallymkun, Piyu24, tatertot and 24 others like this.
  6. Wait so is there not going to be a side quest Avi???🥺
    Piyu24, Adaora-ble, Flare140 and 3 others like this.
  7. Like the people who hit the most and party the most get all the awsome Avis from the leaderboard as it is. And now they get these avis too :( I was really looking forward to the side story 😭
    Piyu24, RainInMe, -Kitsune- and 16 others like this.
  8. Although it goes say they are the elite versions so maybe we will still get the normal and vip versions 🤞
  9. Thus is so freakin' shady. Like, if you were going to do this, at least post it at the start of the hunt. More rewards for top tier. Makes me not wanna try at all anymore.
    Piyu24, Libulan, RainInMe and 22 others like this.
  10. Go back to the original hunt post and you'll see the Avatars are different in colour. Most likely be in the next side story. Dont get your knickers in a knot just yet and relax.
    Muschi, Empress_, Reinita3 and 7 others like this.
  11. 🤔
  12. Yes, you can get the original Sea Devil and Cecaelia from the side stories (that are coming out soon). These additional ones pictured above are an extra recolored version we put in for those who want something very exclusive.
    Piyu24, Muschi, NaughtyPosty and 16 others like this.
  13. More reasons to sit back, sip tea and she for BF, y'all
    Aei, Sanrio, iEllie and 4 others like this.
  14. You will get from side story just different color😄
    Plus the avatars look like they failed to eat jam sandwiches properly
    Aei, Sunflora, Meanie and 2 others like this.
  15. Should've just included it as LB avi since they're the only ones who could get those 🤧
  16. ...well I guess it’s something new
  17. They just gotta reward the people who drop half their salary on this game 😂 idek how people get into the millions of snow globes without paying for cats
  18. This is such a horrible hunt, let’s play who can flex the most.
  19. How the apes see us:

    (a least y’all had the decency to still give us the side avis..)