
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DinosAreTheOldestCars, Oct 14, 2019.

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  1. Yehh I'm doing good more now. But like what if people wanna see the tattoo on my leg gotta my boxrz n shorts down to see it
  2. Can't tho
  3. Pull the leg up Scott. Don't have to pull your pants down.

    The dude that owns my company (trade) is rich.
  4. Yehh do coz it on my leg beside my dik
  5. Keyword is most :/ drop your major and go become my wife a doctor or dentist
    Alicia14 and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  6. Okay I understand Scott, some people just have irresistible dicks, I know how that is
  7. Wastd me got her to do a line on my dik coz was curis how much it would hurt n I almost died 😶😶😂😶
  8. You'll understand when they start saying "sexual harassment."
  9. Sooooo can this get locked for being off topic or?
  10. Why
  11. Not
  12. I don't know if this is considered off topic, it's a Scott thread labeled idk
  13. Well the topic determined by the first post was to help him identify when he is being tricked. And now people are talking about rape so I’d say it’s off topic.
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