Lettuce Talk About Love

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. You da cutest
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  2. Sounds laik you hit the jackpot. Congrats qt
    Angee likes this.
  3. Aww, cutie! Okay! 😝 I honestly love Trash & I's love story so much that I could ramble on forever, but let me try & shorten it to the top 10 reasons that come to mind.

    1. We've known each other forever, seen all the good, all the bad, yet not once has she judged me for my choices in past or present.

    2. She knows how to help me with my mental health because she made the effort to research my illness when we started dating, & she never makes me feel like a burden for having it. She's just super supportive and encouraging. πŸ₯°

    3. She's super affectionate, & has helped me overcome my aversion of physical affection. Now I can't get enough of her cuddles (&... stuff). 😜

    4. She made positive choices for herself, for us to be together, & she continues to make those positive choices every day.

    5. She accepts my daughter, & takes such good care of her. My daughter adores her. πŸ’•

    6. She makes me laugh so much. We are always laughing... it hurts my stomach. I love how silly she is!

    7. She's so secure in who she is. She doesn't care what people think, & is unapologetically herself. That's attractive af. 😍

    8. I love how hard working she is. Her work ethic is amazing, & she's so driven to achieve her goals.

    9. She's always down for adventures! Even if they are at stupid times like 1am. 🀣

    10. She's 100% honest with me & never hides anything. From little trivial things, to bigger things that have had potential to cause hurt. Her honesty is reassuring, & quells any insecurities I have from past relationships.

    11. Ok I lied about just 10... this one is the biggest, I couldn't leave it out. We tried being "just friends" & dating other people, & we genuinely invested in those relationships & supported one another through them, but at the end of the day, our thoughts always came back to one another. The "what if" never went away, & after 8 years of wondering, well, you kind of get to thinking that maybe, just maybe, you're supposed to be together, & there shouldn't just be a "what if." This is probably the thing about her that makes my heart most full. She loved me, all that time, despite all my flaws. And I will forever love her, for choosing me to share her life with. Even if she does hold my rejection of her 9 years ago against me. πŸ˜‚

  4. This is sweet. You two are relationship goals and I wish you the best πŸ’•
    grace6090 likes this.