Dates With Your Rs

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Aniikama, Oct 1, 2019.


Would You Use Dates With Other Name Colors?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe

  1. I think they should add more date options with your relationship, mainly I think they should add more color choices! I love doing the color dates but seeing everyone being only 2 colors. . . It's boring. I know care packages give you an orange name but only for 2 hours. We should get dates with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, etc. What other date ideas are there?
  2. Same would be nice to have another name color but it seems like so many are taken.
    Red: Devs
    Orange/Yellow: Carepack
    Green: Mods
    Light Blue: Hs
    Blue/purple: Ec date
    Black: Regular pimd user without date
    Pink: Ec date

    Unless they do a color with a lighter or darker shade? (Maybe grey?) Rainbow would be a cool option too. But eh seems like something they’d do temporarily during pride month.

    (Oof me realizing that some people have short names and it won’t work)
    Rizky likes this.
  3. I want my name be my green sinse ata changed mods to a darker green now
  4. I feel like this idea has been brought up a few times and that ata kinda took it into consideration when they did the date during the Fae hunt with the cute butterfly emojis. It was cute and a step towards this 🦋
    Rizky and Muschi like this.
  5. Rizky :confused:
  6. Insignificant exuberance
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Waste of ecs
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Just last year, there were dark blue name change dates.
    I believe in the Spring of 2018.
    Search forums. It should be here some where.
    It was easy on the eyes and I enjoyed it very much.
    Lala-Land likes this.
  9. It was cute
  10. I found a discussion about it for you here

    Hey La... this is before we knew each other existed really lol
    Lala-Land likes this.
  11. (Actually it was during the Royal wedding hunt and we were RS’D during that foo)
  12. 😬 check the date pls
    You and I didn’t become RS until 8/25/2018
    Lala-Land likes this.
  13. I coulda sworn we were RS’D during that hunt. (It’s might’ve been close to the end, but most likely not and I’m wrong)(1 point goes to Chill, current score is La:999,999,999, Chill: 2)