Lettuce Talk About Love

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. 🗣nothing
    Smartass likes this.
  2. 🗣riceass
    Smartass likes this.
  3. rice started it, im just reminding them of the originial ship. #riceass
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  4. I... I was gonna comment but then realised nobody else is actually posting their sappy love shit and I don't wanna interrupt the bants. 😂
    Maddi_Matsu, Rizky and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  5. Yo post your sappy shit. I am curious. What is so great about your boo
  6. Anyway. The last person I dated was cool af. i've never trusted anyone right away but I did w her. On our first date I let her dangle me over a roof cuz I wasn't strong enough to get up so she dragged me up and it was like a major trust exercise. She was cool. She had a bunny that she took for walks and my cat liked her right away which never happens so I was like 'major litmus test' that she and only she passed. Rt tho she had a lot of flaws so in spite of it I am okay that it ended. So far she is my favourite person to have dated tho.
  7. Sarah says I it her n but idk all I know is she got some serius super chick magic how coz she broke me
  8. Idk what that means
  9. Fùck idk other words it @Maddi_Matsu help
  10. To think, my favorite person among my very short date list, is a boy from high school. He used to write me poems and letters, no one does that anymore.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  11. I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to say here either
  12. I proposed, she said yes, but I think she's just after my health insurance Cuz she's not into dudes. I offered to wear a wig and paint my Johnson, so it looks like a strap on, but she's not taking it
    Offthewall likes this.
  13. Fuck
  14. I really adore my new girl.
    She's polyamorous, and married .
    I feel like that alone, shows a mature, chill person.
    She's nerdy, into Cosplay, kinky, and absolutely gorgeous.
    We game together, talk about space and stuff.
    I'm not trying to steal her from her husband, I'm perfectly happy with the current situation.
    I don't think (hope) she minds me being a huge Flirt, and a girl that allows me to be myself is so nice, I'm not used to it.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  15. Sarah says I was "it", but I don't know, all I know is she's magic, (that's cute af) but in the end, she broke me (the rear end)
    Maddi_Matsu and Rizky like this.
  16. I wrote poems, songs, and love letters
    This is really , really old. And not a love song. But here's an example
    WhoTfIsWesday and Rizky like this.
  17. Nu broke me coz like I used to never stay long think longest was 1 week then was on to the next chick n even then was still fùckng a bunch of chicks when ever n but Sarah I'm still here idk how or why she broke me but idk
  18. Her chick magic how she know every thing n can do pritty much every thing to
  19. You are really good at playing guitar. Wow 😯
    PoolNoodle likes this.
  20. My hubby is the best! We're on the same wavelength. We are often thinking the same things at the same time. Also, he is a legit badass. He's traveled the world and done so many fun and badass things in the Marines. He's an excellent provider, I work sometimes but I've never felt like I had to. That's pretty awesome when you're raising a slew of kids, to have the choice if you want to work or not.

    He's an excellent Dad. He's always helping an encouraging the kids in their schoolwork & hobbies. He's a godly man and he's a super patriot, and we work hard to model what good citizenship looks like for our kids.

    He also folds laundry and does dishes sometimes. I basically have the best husband ever.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.