Stuff camping good

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DinosAreTheOldestCars, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. What words I put I always just watched dinos n porn so idk
    Carrie likes this.
  2. Just put “Camping tips” or “Camping ideas”
    Carrie likes this.
  3. Mmk
  4. What about dino porn
    Rizky likes this.
  5. I looked it once coz was curis but it was stupid so nupe
  6. Don't forget to trench your tent.
  7. Idk what's that
  8. It's the most important step to tent camping. Google it
  9. Ooooooo not aloud do that here
  10. How do you find dinos if you don't have Google?
  11. Maddi did you literally forget his thread he made explaining why he’s going to prison a few months back?
  12. I still question if he ever went to prison. He had no issues contacting ppl through social medias
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  13. nnuuuuuuu not aloud do camping just any where that the 1 thing ik it ilegal free camping gotta buy a spot at a thingy n not aloud break the spots
  14. It’s Scott
    He probably snuck a phone in
  15. I thort I was n but got comunity servise n cerfew n gotta go a Dr chick thingy been help me can know how to control my rage more used to couldn't at all
  16. [​IMG]
    Maddi_Matsu, Carrie and RoseMilkTea like this.
  17. I'm being watch till finish my hrs now gotta go check in every week
  18. You underestimating the police and overestimating Scott's sneakiness
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  19. No
  20. They said I'm doing good n said I look more calm lots now to