Starred Friends

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Rizky, Oct 1, 2019.


What do you think?

  1. Good idea

    13 vote(s)
  2. Dumb idea

    8 vote(s)
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  1. Lmao I do that and one person got mad like..okay. But true. For me when I trade it’s easy to just unadd them after the trade since it’s in my recent notifications. But then some people already have a low amount of friends (maybe no one really wants to add them?) and starring won’t matter.
  2. I remember an idea very similar to this being suggested before... 🤔
  3. Wednesday too, same reasons
    Rizky and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  4. Lol no. Who’s checking to see who friends with who? Is this 8th grade?
    Sirrracha likes this.
  5. And once again I ask how much.
    Rizky likes this.
  6. Somebody I guess
  7. Omg what's going on? :eek:
  8. Jaco is being a petty bully
  9. I don't even like Hailey, but you haven't mentioned shit about him constantly harassing her.

    Not to mention the other countless females he's still harassing.

    Crazy how you can let that shit slide, but when I do something similar to him you want to act all concerned. Keep that same energy. Don't be an one sided pacifist. Don't have double standards. Don't act blind when he does the trifling shit towards me and several other players.

    Not once have I called him any derogatory words. Literally. You trippin
    renamed9817 likes this.
  10. I don't dislike any of the mods at the moment. Except Night.
  11. Ok good, talk to any of them. :]
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