Save the Planet Hunt

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HoeNotFound, Sep 22, 2019.


Who would want this hunt?

  1. Me!

    57 vote(s)
  2. Pass

    9 vote(s)
  1. I'm not really sure what to title this, I just have a hunt idea I want to share. I'm sure everyone love turtles or whales, or any other endangered species. I want a hunt revolving around that. To open people's eyes on what they're doing to our planet. If anyone has ideas, go ahead and throw them in! I would really like to see this hunt 😁 #savetheturtles
  2. Yesh... I do love turtles. 🐢💕
    HoeNotFound likes this.
  3. What was that word everyone was using before to mock the girls w scrunchies who wanna save the turtles
    Talongganisa likes this.
  4. I'm not sure, tried googling it for you. Google just showed me a bunch of half naked vsco girls...
  5. Vsco girls
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  6. Will be awesome if ATA donate a % to charity that helps animals 🥰
    iMunchie and HoeNotFound like this.
  7. That would be awesome tbh!
    iMunchie likes this.
  8. anna oop-- sksksk
    HoeNotFound likes this.
  9. I like dinos and wolfs and dinos and doggos and dinos and dinos
    HoeNotFound likes this.
  10. I bed a turtle 1 time and Tyler to the armor thingy was actul kinda heavy for how it looked it was weird it was as big as me to 😱😱😮
    HoeNotFound likes this.
  11. Maybe in like the spring time tho. It’s Halloween, thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, New Uears and everything else that falls in line 💪🏽.
    HoeNotFound likes this.
  12. I agree, I love Halloween and Christmas!
  13. but do you like dinos?
    HoeNotFound likes this.
  14. I own every all dinos but not trex coz trex stupid some one else can have them. I got 42 dilos n I got triceratops ones and brontosaurus ones n velosirapter ones n teridactil ones n lots lots lots more IDK how much to much to count me Sarah room is all dinos every where 😝😝😁
    HoeNotFound and Chulo17 like this.
  15. Hella Yeah this hunt is so interesting
    HoeNotFound likes this.