Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 25, 2019.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Mark your calendars, fam as PIMD is doing its very first Ask Me Anything aka AMA!

    Borrowed from our friends at Reddit (we're not really friends), we'll be hosting a Q&A session at noon Pacific Time on Friday, September 27th .

    We'd love for this to be an opportunity to connect and hear more from our community and perhaps start some intelligent dialogue on important issues on the game.

    ✨Starring Special Guest [ATA]Strange
    Game designer by day, sassy dog owner by night.

    Starting at noon on Friday, September 27th, post any questions you may have related to PIMD in the comment section of our official AMA forum post that will go live at noon (meaning not this post). Questions not on that thread will not be answered.

    Strange will select the most helpful (and appropriate!) questions and share two (or more) cents with you folks!

    This will go on for at least an hour or until we've had more interesting questions than we can handle.

    Questions for Marcie about our first ever PIMD AMA? Post below!
    #1 ATAMarceline, Sep 25, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2019
  2. Great Intiative 👍
    iRlVAL and [ATA]Queens like this.
  3. Sounds fun!
  4. Let's see how many personal questions get asked 🤣
    Sarcastic_burger and Aedie_ice like this.
  5. Should be helpful ☺️
  6. I can see there's gonna be questions about the shity hunts
  7. I love this community engagement! Thank you ATA for this opportunity. I'm looking forward to probably missing *sadness* it.
  8. Inb4peepsAskQuestionsHereAnyway 🌚
    Offthewall likes this.
  9. Oh, I thought this was going to be like a get-to-know-your-devs thing but this is chill, too.
  10. Guess we’ll find out soon how successful this will really go.
    Sirrracha likes this.
  11. It can be! Just as long as it doesn't get too weird.
  12. You seeing anyone Marcie?
    fairylung, LovaChan-, Green and 5 others like this.
  13. I love this!

    Pssst…Hey Marcie I heard you like music, maybe we can talk about that sometime
    VampiraAlien88 and Victoria like this.
  14. Do you see a feature being added to the game in the avi section where you can star your favorite avis and have them show up first or maybe a separate tab? Incase you don’t want to scroll and find that avi through all the others.
  15. Iphones are currently able to do that in the items section, hopefully that update will come out soon for android aswell
    CakeBear, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
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