Welcome New PIMD Mods!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. Yes I did mean aren’t, it was a typo 😂 I’m aware that they can affect statuses, but as far as ign being changed they still have to report it, they don’t just get to change it on free will.

    And the person said “ATA” messed up their account, so if it’s something ATA did it’s unlikely a mod can fix it unless they also contact ATA.
  2. How can I become a moderator ? 👋
  3. You’ll have to wait for ATA to put out moderator applications again. Just keep an eye out.
    Princesscreampi likes this.
  4. Where do you find applications for becoming a moderator?
  5. There will be an announcement when they are recruiting
  6. On campus chat? Or forums?
  7. In forums.
  8. Keep in mind that mod applications are currently closed.
    iPanicAtDiscos likes this.
  9. i keep thinking there are new mods
  10. i kno ur not dumb :( pls
    Voseph likes this.
  11. Same :confused:
  12. Tino pls
  13. Congrats 💕
  14. Mods all play favorites they think they can do whatever they want silence people for TOU when it is not on TOU
    So if you kiss their ass then they will be nice to you or bribe them that works
  15. How come I can never find the mod application? Like fr
    Milan0 likes this.
  16. It’s in a forum
  17. Jen and Felix are active enough again to be mods? Guess it's a good time to be playing lol
  18. The mod applications are only available when they are accepting applications, which they currently aren't.
    Voseph likes this.
  19. More people I won't ever see around so I can catch and ask for help.
  20. It's that time again everyone, where this thread gets bumped and everyone thinks we have new mods