Perm vs Merc

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Disaster, Sep 22, 2019.


Vote here if you wish.

  1. Perm

    11 vote(s)
  2. Merc

    27 vote(s)
  1. This thread only exists because I'm curious.

    What is your preferred method, perming or mercing?
    And in your opinion, what are the advantages of your play style and what nice experiences have you had with it? I wanna hear it all.

    Personally, I really enjoy the freedom that comes with being a merc, and I've been doing quite well that way.
    What about you guys? Discuss.
    GoddessHailey and Carrie like this.
  2. I merc for lbh when need drops fast. Perm when in a good club that they talk good
    Piggys24, Carrie and Disaster like this.
  3. I don't like the concept of perm because then I feel like I can't leave if I want to. Is annoying. But then some clubs have a '3 day merc' or smthing rule and then kick or perm. So for those clubs I'll usually say perm and then just leave when I want to and not go back
  4. My club disavows both of those terms. Come and go as wish, if you wish. The only ones I prefer not to be coming and going frequently are my VPs and execs, but they are still free to visit other clubs if they wish.

    I found that, prior to my club disavowing those terms, there wasn't anything perms in my club did differently than mercs... and sometimes I found more loyalty in people that called themselves mercs than perms. What's the point of demanding a club member label themselves if the label doesn't make any special distinction and doesn't speak for the person's dedication?
  5. “No leaving during parties”

    RoseMilkTea, Disaster, Ciara and 3 others like this.
  6. Leaving to merc & blocking the admins after I won a cat like:
  7. That sounds really good! Wish more clubs would adopt this mentality. Will visit when my stats are high enough.
    Muschi likes this.
  8. You guys do realize that you can be a “merc” that has adopted a home club right? Like that has always been a thing... especially in clubs that stay close to full most of the time.

    The club leaves a spot open for you because you are considered a permanent member of that club. However, you are called a “merc” because you frequently roam (sometimes to help other clubs and to build/strengthen aliances and not simply for drops) and your home club (HC) will contact you if they need you (for wars usually) or want to see if they should keep holding a spot for you. Some clubs require you to take on a tag to show allegiance or whatever, but many simply allow you to come and go with a “merc pass” or just by contacting admin so they can update their lists. Some “mercs” are assigned to start a new “subclub” entirely and recruit potential members there.

    Some “mercs” never take on a home club and are simply “last bar hitters” (or the best name I’ve heard “traveling fairies” -usually the cat/invite/bbb club hoppers get that one-) that “park” somewhere for a little bit... but for the most part, the term “merc” came from being away from your home club “mercing” usually to participate in wars and not simply being someone that doesn’t want to remain loyal to a single club. Hope this helps.

    🖤Merc Life🖤
    Stephy, Disaster and Carrie like this.
  9. Well, of course as a vice president, I have to stay on the club. But I have always been too lazy to hop around, so this role suits me perfectly and most times I enjoy managing - helping members is super gratifying, especially in a club that accepts low stats.

    And to be honest I don't really care if people want to stay longer, only join for last bars or visit us from time to time. We have people who enjoy the club and never left, members who come and go and players who just left forever lol. It's completely up to them.
    Muschi, Piggys24 and Disaster like this.
  10. Perm can sometimes mean problematic
  11. I got interest 🤔 cuz I was searching how did the whole perm and merc started was it for war (thought you can’t really hop from war 😆) joke aside and I’m probably wrong but I used to be a perm and then I saw lots of club getting created (thought not only stay more then six months) and with lots of “rules”. Like a mini-society.

    With a busy schedule, I opt to hop 🐇 and don’t expect myself to be hitting a certain number of parties to be active or min of drops. It’s better hopping least issue with the players.

    When I was a perm or used to tag perm, I used to follow the trend to imitate other clubs. I guess when you perm expect people “to be active”. It didn’t work much. I guess it was also a way to know what kind of ratio of players would be online in different timezone. So you recruit or you know it’s worth starting a party as some don’t write in cc?

    Now seem within a year more club more merc less stable long time clubs (everyone wants to be prez), irl, things changes because of the rules we think might help to have people staying but it’s really not.
  12. i honestly love this so much. before i opened my cc i’d merc because i hated feeling like i was “stuck” ya know? but there were a few clubs i LOVED that had the “one week merc” thing so i’d stay for a week and then leave, only to go back a few weeks later and do it again 😂

    now with my cc i can’t really hop around like i used to of course, but i don’t have a problem with that tbh. i love our members and admins and in our short time being open (a month? 1/2? i can’t remember) i’ve never felt like i’ve been stuck. we’re a big ass family and i luv them and wouldn’t trade it for anything 🥰

    also, shout out to Koneko! book at my bat blub whenever we have open spots again 🌝
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Nomad I do merc often but really just like to park my butt where Im vibing at for that moment.
    So, really just like clubs that are come and go as you like.
    I have a few clubs that I visit often that are like this.
    When I had my club running it ran in a similar style.
    Surprise Surprise things flow, parties get completed. You have your regulars as I call them that rarely leave and new people that pop which is fun.

    If we are thinking on the lines on this being a college since this is the setup for the game.
    You usually join a few clubs, you try out what works for you.
    GoddessHailey likes this.