Want people to join your bbb? Post your banners here

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Javi, Sep 21, 2019.

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  1. With bbb going on everyday it’s grown in popularity with more people wanting to join in on the fun. I’m asking for the people who organize bbb of their own to post banners here for people to find them fast and make it less harder for people find a bbb. Post date, time, deal buying, and person to add/wall if wanting to join. LETS MAKE FINDING BBB SIMPLER AND EASIER!
  2. Yeet it
    Yeet it and delete it

  3. Who's doing bbb every day and how do I get in on that
  4. There’s one next Sunday and Saturday that I know of
  5. That's a week away you said every day
  6. I said if the bbb that are know are happening but there is always one everyday usually or every 2 days
  7. The 1st few words you said. Why you lied
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