Issue with game?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by SadisticEyes, Sep 18, 2019.

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  1. Just recently when I look at people's showcase I can only see items that I have. When I go over to the "furniture" category it also only shows stuff that I already have. This happens on every account.
    I have tried restarting my phone. Reinstalling the game and even clearing the cache in the cloud storage but nothing seems to fix it?
    Is this normal? I'm trying to buy furniture and can't even see people's showcase to browse.
    BenSolo likes this.
  2. I hope I don't have to reset my phone. My PC is down so I can't connect it to iTunes (if that's still how it's done)
  3. That's so odd. Have you tried sending a help ticket? Maybe ATA could help you.

    I don't think factory resetting your phone would help, but if you have to and you need to use a PC to connect to iTunes (I've never owned an iDevice so idk how it works) I would recommend visiting a local library or an internet cafè w/ computers. Or asking a friend w/ a PC to borrow it quickly.
  4. Sell or recycle some your stuff then n then you will find more stuff you don't have
  5. I think OP means that, instead of showing the furni inventory for others, the furni section of showcases always shows his inventory even if it isn't his showcase.
  6. He said it always shows furni he already has
  7. @Muschi it's correct. It's only showing mutual items. If I don't have it then it don't show in THEIR inventory.
    Muschi likes this.
  8. This does seem to be correct, the issue has been reported and will be resolved as soon as possible
  9. Thank you love
    TattedMamii likes this.
  10. Same issue here.
    Only see mutual items(furni,stat items,gifts ,boxes)
    iOS user
  11. You know my pain. Maybe I should update my iOS like it's been asking me for days now.
  12. I updated
    No changes
  13. Same. Just updated and still nothing.

    iPhone XR running iOS 12.4.1 now
  14. Well I know for a fact my app wasn’t like this before I updated it.
  15. Any update? My ticket has not been answered and I'm not the only one this is effecting.
  16. So wait for it to be? Your not the only person on this game and you not the only one who sends help tickets give them tjme
  17. Help finally responded. They very bluntly told me to just reset my phone
  18. Yeah I don’t think that’ll fix it
  19. I already responded to you, the only reason I haven't locked this yet is because the issue is still occurring and I don't want people to make 20 more threads about it.
    ATA is working on resolving the issue, please be patient.
    Voseph likes this.
  20. Sounds like cache error, I don't think there's much you can do for that on ios. Droid, go to app settings and clear manually
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