Original Idea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sundance14, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. We should be able to trade avatars, support me.

    Is what should be a mandatory phrase at least once for the new player tutorial, it's basically initiation rites at this point.
  2. No don't start this again any one who says that needs perm band
  3. Support.. just cause I'm tired of seeing these thread popping up.
  4. Just by seeing the topic title I already knew what this would say
  5. I've never seen anyone request that it be a part of the tutorial. You have some magic mind reading skillz if you're fr
  6. Y would it be part of the tutorial... if it’s not even part of the game
  7. Requesting it is a part of the game. Why else would everyone always be doing it
  8. It's been gone for at lest all the time I been back till now keep it gone the noobs didn't care for ages
  9. Oooo now I understand what u meant
    No support
    sundance14 likes this.
  10. I care
  11. You not a real noob you a alt
  12. I'm the alt of a noob
  13. No you not you been here like 1yr some shit like that
  14. I most certainly have not
  15. I remeber your name thingy from ages ago
  16. She could have taken the ign off an inactive user....
    sundance14 likes this.
  17. I chose this name because I saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood a few days ago. One of the characters is named Sundance
  18. lmao you get what I meant 🤷🏻‍♀️ just that it would be about trading avatars
  19. Knows about the trading avis thing with noobs but it haznt been said in ages. They a alt that been here a while