Bucket System

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Sherily, Jul 30, 2019.

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  1. I'm bisexual and I don't have any cats. But I will when I move out of my parents' house. (And dogs ofc but I have a dog rn.)
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  2. Cats or dogs, parrots, ferrets, or gerbils, pets hold an important place in the gay and lesbian community. Pet ownership is more than 10% more common among gay respondents than in the general population, a recent survey reveals [62 percent, of the general population's households own a pet]. With 8,831 respondents, the 2002-2003 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census was prepared by GLCensus Partners (Syracuse University and OpusComm Group).
    Overall, 78.5% of respondents reported keeping a pet. The census surveyed owners of cats, dogs, birds, ferrets, fish, horses, rabbits, reptiles and rodents. Ownership was higher in females than in males, with 86.9% of female respondents having a pet, as opposed to 70.8% of male respondents. 5.1% of respondents don't own a pet yet, but plan to soon.

    The war between cats and dogs rages on: 48.7% own at least one cat, compared to 46.4% who own at least one dog. Many have multiple-cat households, so totals report almost 1,000 more cats owned than dogs. A higher percentage of females are pet owners. A gender preference for cats or dogs is revealed, with cats are more popular among women—60.2% of females own cats; 52.9% own dogs. The canines eke out a win over cats for men—40.7% of male respondents own dogs; 38.3% own cats.

    The differences are smaller than I imagined but the trends match what I expected.
    Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  3. That’s me
  4. Yes you did.. because when I didn’t have an rs you weren’t in my hit range anymore and now suddenly you’re in my hit range again
  5. Have fun obsessing over my post rat.
    At least you realize I’m right.
  6. I've always been in your hit range. Is that why you guys broke rs? I'm flattered
  7. Where does it say that I "realize [you're] right"? Grasping at straws 🙄
  8. No you haven’t until but you just lowered your misc. Don’t flatter yourself, sloth broke up with me for her rat friend.
    @Muschi I’m never grasping at straws, but you are since you act like you can’t read.
    Why don’t you grasp a nice straw to entertain yourself in your single ladies club?
  9. You have weird mental health problems, dude.
    GodTierOni and Muschi like this.
  10. Lmaoo imagine saying someone have weird mental health problems as a comeback. Don’t you have to go fix your own?
  11. Crack? Is that what you smoke? You smoke crack?
    RoseMilkTea and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  12. You’d know about crack wouldn’t you? Haven’t gotten any lately so you’re itching. Stop doing drugs.
  13. It's not a "comeback" I legit just think you're acting crazy af
    GodTierOni likes this.
  14. Fanta @ his mirror reflection:
  15. Lmao u started talking about crack, don’t act like you’re not craving it.

    Lmao funny cause I know for a fact you’re crazy. Now sit down and look for a better comeback or just rub it out with muschi
  16. Have we met or something?
    Muschi likes this.
  17. And you started talking about stretched chest tattoos and baldness, so do you want those?
  18. I was talking about Wednesday having it, you started talking about looking for crack. Listen, this is a game sweetie, there’s no crack here.
    Have we? Since u act like you know me. I hope not.
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