Offer Wall

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JoyBoy, Sep 9, 2019.

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  1. So I learned something new about the offer wall...

    If it doesnt specify if you have to have a new account on an app that you've already played than do it, it doesnt matter with those ones if you've already started. It still counts it and it'll still give you the rewards.
  2. Yeah offers tend to be like that
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. What does “JTS” even stand for? And why are all your comments formatted like that?
  4. What are you even talking about??
    GodTierOni likes this.
  5. Thanks for asking, it's my grandfather's initials, he passed away last year around this time 🤷‍♂️ and because red is my favorite color and the bold makes it easier on my eyes
  6. Oh that’s sweet ❤️
    JoyBoy likes this.
  7. Thanks, I liked the binary of my old IGN but this one means more than my nickname
    __Cece__ likes this.
  8. Either I’m crazy or my app is broken but your ign still shows up as binary for me
    Muschi likes this.
  9. It's what the binary translates into 🤣
  10. I’m confused
  11. His binary code ign converts into JTS
  12. That’s not what I’m confused about
  13. You should probably clarify what you're confused about...
  14. The ign just doesn’t look different to me
  15. It's still binary. It just reads JTS in binary
  16. Yes, I’ve grasped that much rose
  17. Then why do you think his ign would look different?
  18. So here maybe, he had different ign which was also binary and now it’s different binary?
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