It Chapter 2

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Trendsetting, Sep 7, 2019.

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  1. Stephen King based the gay hate crime in his novel "It" off of the brutal murder of Charlie Howard in 1984, by three teenagers. This included the perpetrators throwing the still-living Charlie off of a bridge. Charlie's "male companion" barely escaped alive.

    -- Edit --
    Here is why Stephen King included a fictionalized version of the murder in his novel:
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  2. Also wasn't he coked out of his mind while writing it? I'm pretty sure I read he was high as a kite for the majority of the book
  3. Still doesn't explain why they took out a key discrimination element for that. But hey, we're used to it. February is after all, the shortest month and June is longer. We should've got June. June 19th. They could've got July but the 4th is more of their holiday.
  4. That I don't know. I'd have to Google it. I don't think King does drugs but I'm not rly a King expert
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  5. No no no no no, sweetie honey sugar ice tea.

    You're on the binge watching TV thread telling me that you don't wanna watch When They See Us because the discrimination hits too close to home but over here the discrimination isn't front and center and you have a problem with it? You're being contradictory. Also, When They See Us does a better job of showing representation and giving the audience a clearer, more vivid image of what it's like to be subjected to that kind of brutality. To oppression. Please think your responses through a bit more.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  6. I didn't read the novel but apparently from the articles I'm reading online, the movie overdramatizes the hate crime scene King included in his book ー i.e., they made it a lot worse and longer than King intended. So I'm not sure if perhaps King focused more equally on the racism and homophobia in his original novel, and if Hollywood just kind of... tossed the racism part and was like "let's focus more on visually portraying a gay person being brutally assaulted for the dramatic effect".
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  7. Honestly, the entire novel is reaaaaaaaaaaallllly drawn out so all of it feels like it's overdramatized. I made it to like page 400 and it felt like I hadn't progressed anywhere so I just gave up.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  8. I'm not being contradictory. I'm indirectly stating that gay people get more respect and our discriminated on less than us.

    Your response is more of an opinion your former or already had formed. Who knows. It doesn't matter to me. If anything, if Paid In Full had a remake, more of us would watch that than When They See Us. I hope you understand that without me having to explain it.
  9. I read the unabridged version of The Stand......... I definitely feel u. It was good but... well, King definitely likes to write. It was so long
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  10. As politely as I can, I'm going to correct your post.

    Gay people do not get more respect than Black people. Firstly, that's an opinion. I'm not even sure where you would begin to gather the statistics to formulate such a biased ideal, but it's wrong. Secondly, this is not the oppression Olympics. No one minority deserves more respect or more credit than the other. Thirdly. If, in 2019, a bill is being passed where a person can be fired from their job just for being a member of the LGBT community, I don't wanna hear about the quote unquote respect that gay people receive. They have a parade? No. They make a parade for themselves. Finally, and I can't believe I have to say this, but stop comparing minorities. There is no competition to see who is more oppressed. Everybody loses.

    Secondly, I just did some research on Paid In Full since I had never heard of it. Not only did WTSU have a higher critical rating and reach a wider audience, it tackled a real life situation and opened many peoples eyes (including my own, since I am not American) to the utterly disgusting way in which the individuals involved in the Central Park 5 were treated. It gave information and started conversations that needed to be started. It just burned out a lot quicker than I wished.

    Circling back, please do not compare minorities to see who has it worse. Everybody suffers. There are no winners. Watch both shows. Learn from both shows. Share the message. You say you preach love and growth for black people but your actions say the opposite.

    Love and peace bro.
    WhoTfIsWesday and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  11. I couldn't make it to the end of IT. Too much writing. Not enough plot advancement. I hear there's an orgy with all the Losers at the end. I can only assume he was definitely high on coke to have thought that would be a good way to end his book.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  12. I have one of his novel that I bought after watching a tv show based on it and I can only read it in brief spurts because it’s just so long
  13. I think Carrie comes in a manageable portion. I'm going to give that a try as soon as I can stop procrastinating my work and as God for some free time. Just some.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  14. When do our movies ever get higher ratings? See, if you were African American from the same areas as us, you'd understand. Everything you're basing it on is an outsider's opinion. Literally, you're proving me right.

    Example, Black Panther has higher ratings than Menace to society. Can you tell the difference as to why that is? It's not my people doing the ratings😂😂 who was the director of When They See Us? You're whole arguement is based off what you see not what we live.

    Gay people do receive more respect than us from white people whether you acknowledge it or not. During pride month, June 19th is overlooked. During your pride month, no other "minority" is taught nor talked about. During Black "History" Month, for whatever reason, it's holocaust month in schools. Maybe in whatever country you're in, we're respected more, but not here in America. A cop is more likely to shoot a black man than a gay man. Regardless of whatever you see or hear, you're not living it, so you don't know.

    Speaking of this topic, there are far more racial crimes than sexuality crimes. No matter what lies or excuses you use, history shows us to have been mistreated more. Yes, their have been pride parades that have been the targets of shootings. Yes, LGBT members are victims of hate crimes. Yes they are oppressed at the bottom of the barrel, but not nearly as deep as us African Americans.

    When your people go through everything we've been through and are still going through, we can trade war stories. Until then, the facts stay the same.
  15. I just want to add that stephen king is a terrible writer and i don't get the hype
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  16. I'm going to keep this as brief as possible because you seem intent on using ignorance to justify yourself and continue to pit one minority against the other, and it's honestly disgusting to watch.

    I'm not telling you where I'm from because that's none of your business but I'm Mixed race, and I live in an area that predominantly has mixed race people. African American culture plays a big role in ours. We watch a lot of African American oriented films. No matter how bad his movies get, Tyler Perry is worshipped. Don't go around making assumptions.

    WTSU is directed by Ava DuVernay, an African American Woman. One of her other notable works is Selma. Both are real life political dramas about the injustices against Black people. You seem very intent on complaining about it but have a very close minded and narrow window about what passes for it. All I've ever been telling you is to watch the show.

    I'm not responding in depth to the rest of that. Both minorities are oppressed. People can hide that they're gay. People can't hide their skin colour. They can't pretend, fake it or change it. Black people continue to be oppressed because of who they are, because that's what society allows. The injustices against them are innumerable, but to put them against one another is disgusting. Just stop. It's like comparing one massacre to another and saying yours is worse because 50 people died instead of only 40. The reason black history month isn't taken as seriously as it should is not because of the LGBT community.

    You're preaching love and acceptance and spreading toxic ideals instead. Just shut up.

    Stop putting minorities against one another and do your part to learn about both.
    Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  17. You and Faaanta might as well be butt buddies. Nothing you replied made any sense at all. You watch black "films" nobody cares, literally. No one cares what you've SEEN. Experience > seeing something on a screen.

    You label me as ignorant, yet you're the outsider looking in still. Nothing you've commented on the subject is logical. Instead of you... pulling shit out your ass to throw in, you should be thinking. I haven't spread any toxicity, you're just a cyber Jussie Smollet😂😂

    You can't accept something you don't know shit about. You can't accept being wrong. I don't understand how you can comment on something you're oblivious to. Eat a dick, get a life and maybe visit America and actually see here what it's like instead of watching "African American Films" by Tyler Perry💀
  18. Requesting lock this, damn, almost called you it😂😂 You killing my buzz and I'm on my fifth shot.
  19. "Beep beep Richie" was in the movie. Yea pennywise didnt say it him self, but Beth said it. And "kiss me, fat boy" was said in the school in when he hid in the locker.
  20. 6 paragraphs
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