LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 5-Day Giveaway AKA a secret countdown

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. I wonder which wings will be most popular. Will they all have the same stats for the avatars ? 🤔
    JuneyG likes this.
  2. I disagree with you saying people can't be upset with their game lagging, crashing and glitching. I personally never said a single word about it, so tata. I suggest you go read another topic if you are not enjoying people expressing their opinions here ;)
    iKittiana and Zulila like this.
  3. Usually they have 3 different tiers for the combinable avis. Most likely similar to the compasses, easter and v-day ones
    Libulan likes this.
  4. Don’t like it? Don’t play...end of. You think you can do better? Then go make your own phone app to compete with theirs, it’s not as easy as you seem to think it is.
  5. Hopefully tomorrow they'll give us like 400 wings..
    Jenika_Babe, MoonLady, Piano and 2 others like this.
  6. It's barely mildly irritating. Once i figured out it was a reward glitch i stopped clicking on it, and guess what? It stopped happening.

    I'm also expressing my opinion on how entitled yall are, which you are defending. It's disgusting. Shit happens, it's technology ffs and if you don't support how ATA runs their company and their games then literally unistall.
  7. Thank you so much for your insightful comment.
  8. [​IMG]
    the effort i put into this for you was much more than it should've been
  9. Aww the only one of those I know is the compas I wasn’t around for the others but I understand what you mean. I was thinking it was more liek zodiac because I didn’t know 😂 thank you
    JuneyG and RoseMilkTea like this.
  10. Or at least drop a photo of what they look like with stats haha
    morticia likes this.
  11. Entitled to receive a service without a glitch? I personally pay 80$ a month and expecting smooth experience is like....I mean....You literally got nothing better to do and hold grudge against me, that's all. And don't ever drag my race into it ever again. Bye
  12. they'll most likely drop the pictures when the hunt starts, so like 3 days from now. I assume the stats will be the same as compass, with the violet being the highest stats since it takes 2400 for VIP for that color wing
  13. [​IMG]
  14. paying $80 a month is your choice? that's less than minimum wage where I live. Not to mention server costs for the game. If we wanna talk about how much money we put into this game, I dropped a grand a week or two ago. You don't see me complaining about a game, that is free, that has glitches every now and then. I trust that if the game was smooth, you wouldn't commend the developers for doing such a good job.

    Also, I enjoy my twink Asian avis and I hope these new avis are strictly Asian to spite you :p
  15. [​IMG]
  16. Tbh I’m just gonna go for whichever I can afford or whichever is the prettiest haha
  17. Thank you for answering so kindly BTW
  18. You amaze me. You dropped a grand, but perhaps your parents earned that grand, since you fail to understand how business works. And this game is a business. Nothing in this world is free. And ya'll now basically try to bully me for saying that a costumer has a right to be unhappy with service he receives when that service fails to provide smooth experience. Free stuff? I'm 19, blond, don't have a grand and even I know that free is only cheese in a mousetrap and all giveaways are promotions for upcoming events. Smh. Ya'll can attitude me, point out my preference for blond avatars and gif eyeroll me much as you want. Don't fall from your high horses. 👋🏻
  19. Yeah okay karen 😂🙄
    Meanie likes this.
  20. What does the avi look like