Another Ban Wave

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Strange, Sep 7, 2019.

  1. King of banning
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  2. What do you mean black market sellers?
  3. Ppl who sell their misc for real life money.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  4. And sometimes accounts.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. People who sell actual PIMD accounts (Most of which were hacked and stolen)
    Satanist6 likes this.
  6. J
    Says the guy who sells older stuff for out the wazoo prices. πŸ˜’
    Sirrracha, Voseph and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  7. That doesn't break ToU, though. 😊
    Voseph and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  8. It's not my fault that rare items got devalued, and I don't have to go along being ignorant of their rarity and intrinsic value like others do. If you want rare items from a reliable source that spends a solid amount of time collecting them and curating them, there's going to be a premium.

    Treat your wares like junk all you want, I don't dig it. Old, rare items that tell the story of pimd are beautiful. Much more beautiful than a few story rewards or bentos.
  9. Please help! Her IGN: MFG
    Tried to sell me bentos for real money, I didnt want and now she threatening me and my girlfriend. She already hired dropped me. I blocked her please help to get her banned or somethingπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»
    IZIS and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  10. Send a help ticket
  11. Okay, so lots of people have been scammed by two accounts who work together (same person) & have been reported through help tickets..

    Yet they still have their accounts? Then those who warn others about these accounts get silenced..

    Coincidence? πŸ€”
  12. There's a trading system for a reason, don't gift random people you don't know and expect them to hold up their end of the deal and you won't get scammed. Accusing someone of being a scammer is considered public defamation and is against TOU.
    Muschi and Voseph like this.
  13. I feel like my entire statement was completely ignored.. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ Lol let me rephrase.
    Two accounts have been "selling" their accounts & other services for real cash & bentos. Multiple people have reported through help tickets.. Yet nothing happens. Isn't this post talking about getting rid of black market scammers?
    Well I mean everyone is doing their part by reporting it, yet the accounts remain. So if ATA isn't doing their part, what is wrong with warning someone of a scammer? I mean how many help tickets does it take.
    I get it, accusing someone of scamming is against the TOU.. But isn't this whole black market scam also against the TOU? The whole point of this thread..? 🀧
    Jaquin and NightingaIe like this.
  14. You didn't say that in your original post, there typically needs to be some proof of this in a moderated space in order for them to look into it. If you're saying that people are getting scammed by black market sellers, then maybe they shouldn't be trying to buy accounts/items for real money.
    Muschi and Voseph like this.
  15. I did.. I just didn't break it down but you also didn't ask? 🀣 I guess screen shots of the proof from multiple people aren't enough for ATA to ban them? Idk
    Also, not trying to be a jerk.. Just confused as to why some of the most well known & reported scammers still have their accounts is all. If ATA is truly buckling down on this then they need to LISTEN. Read the help tickets. Respond accordingly. Care. Don't silence people for warning others of well known scammers when help tickets have been written & ATA hasn't acted.
    We can do our part but ATA has to do theirs.
    Just a concern. That's all πŸ€—β€
    NightingaIe, -_Seraphina_- and Buwbuw like this.
  17. Club -> The Hotel_California <- isn’t banned yet I think . That is a legitimate bot club.
  18. Send a ticket to the devs
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  19. Bots have such obvious names. Dumb bots
  20. Oof black markets 😲