LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 5-Day Giveaway AKA a secret countdown

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. Oooo MAGIC! Bippitty Boppitty Boop! πŸŽƒπŸ’«πŸ§¨πŸ’«πŸ›΅ 🀣🀣
    Rock-Lee, PR_DomiSoAnti and Hag like this.
  2. Hopefully this will be a different hunt :oops:❀
    Rock-Lee likes this.
  3. can’t wait
  4. πŸ‘€ i cant waitttt, i want giftttts too
  5. give away lots of cats ec and dn πŸ™‚
    Paingod likes this.
  6. Absolutely nO support on this wack ideaπŸ™„πŸ₯΄
    SnowSparrow, Elio, Tiago and 20 others like this.
  7. if you only fairy and don't farm no one wants your opinion on cat clubsπŸ₯΄
  8. !
  9. I’m so ready for this πŸ€—
  10. This gives me PTSD no support
  11. Also, players shouldn't be forced to play the game how you want them to just because no one wants to roleplay with you.
    And the leaderbord shouldn't be taken away from other players just because you're too broke for it.
  12. damn
  13. How do we enter for the crates?
  14. Post won’t load πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
  15. Oh snap sounds like fun
  16. I believe you're looking for the PIMDs got talent thread.
    Maddi_Matsu and GodTierOni like this.
  17. It won't load:(
  18. Sometimes you have to hit them where it hurts to get the point across
  19. For once it wont load for me
  20. No load?? 😩